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Interestingly enough, Light and L's roles seemed to be swapped right now. At the present time, Light was trying his best to get some work done on his laptop, whilst L laid next to him uselessly. On any normal day, it would usually be the other way around. L relentlessly forcing himself to work while Light grew annoyed at him for disrupting his sleep.

Light was occupying himself with all the work he hadn't been able to get done earlier in the day. Quickly, he grew tired of working on the same
old things. Nothing seemed to be challenging or remotely interesting enough for him.

He ventured off task. Bored to death. Six tabs were currently open in Google and only 2 of them were remotely related to the case. The other remaining windows were either extremely stupid questions he had or some of those awful flash games he played when he was younger. If there was an opportunity to procrastinate, he was most likely going to take it.

Currently, L was laying diagonally on his stomach, sprawled out like a starfish. If that wasn't bad enough, he decided to sleep in the dead centre of the mattress. Light was forced to sit at the edge of the bed, barley having enough room for himself.

A total bed hog. The worst type of person  to share a sleeping space with. Especially when it was more or less against your own will.

To make matters worse, L's bony foot was sharply digging into his side and stomach area. Sometimes he would end up with his toes directly in his face.

"Impressive. You somehow mange to irritate me even when you're unconscious."

Immediately after he spoke, L mumbled some indecipherable gibberish. Light speculated that maybe his subconscious mind had heard what he said and was trying to form a response. This was most likely not the case, but fun to hypothesize about none the less.

Light looked down at the sleeping male next to him,
contemplating how he could move L back over to his side without waking him up. He came to the conclusion that L was in such a odd position, he wouldn't be able to relocate him without disturbing him.

Just like he had done earlier in the day, Light pressed the back of his hand to L's forehead, checking to see if he still had a fever. Only this time he didn't flinch when he made physical contact with him. As suspected, he still felt pretty hot to the touch. Unfortunately, his fever didn't seem to show any sign of breaking yet.

Light had no reason to be this concerned about L. However, something deep inside him said that he needed to protect him. Like L said yesterday, it was probably just the flu and he would be fine. So if that was the case, why did he care so much? Why was he wasting his time being concerned? 

When L was asleep, he looked a lot more peaceful and untroubled. Pure and innocent. He watched closely as L's chest slowly rose up and down with every breathe he took.

Although he would never say it out loud or admit to it to anybody but himself, Light thought L looked cute. In his own weird and unique way. Minus all the drool spilling out from his mouth, soaking into the fibres of the pillowcase. He found it to be mildly disgusting, but also strangely endearing.

"I didn't know someone was capable of producing so much salvia..."

"Crocodiles.. love eating beans."


As quickly as those thoughts entered his brain, he tried his hardest to get rid of them and push them to the side. They were just friends and colleagues. Nothing more than that. Besides, unless you were a fifteen year old girl, friends didn't usually think of each other as cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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