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On the surface everything appeared to be normal. L was sitting down consuming his cake for breakfast like he did everyday, Light Yagami sitting no more than six feet away from him. But something just felt wrong.
He felt like he was going through his day without any true intention or meaning. Almost
like somebody else was controlling him.

L came to the conclusion he was probably being controlled by Kira before his death. He was about to die. And there was nothing he could do to prevent it. That's why he didn't feel like himself. He couldn't be wrong about this. God, he hoped he was though.

Later that night, L and Light were hanging out in their shared room for no particular reason. L found himself unable to focus on anything relating to the case, so he decided to take a break.

"Ryuzaki, are you okay? You've seemed kind of off today.." Light questioned, rising an eyebrow at the pale detective.

"Hm? Oh.. yes Light-Kun, I assure you I am well. Today I just don't feel quite myself.." L mumbled quietly. He shoved his thumb into his mouth, trying to distract himself from all his unsettling thoughts.

"L, I have something to tell you," Before L got the chance to chime in, Light continued speaking. "I am Kira."

L's eyes widened. His hypothesis about Kira controlling his actions before death were correct.
The power the second Kira had, where they only needed a name and a face to kill, must've been somehow passed over to Light.

L felt a pit start to form in his stomach. A weird concoction of satisfaction, victory, fear and the most strong emotion being betrayal.

L always said he was willing to risk his life for the case and that's something that would never change. However, he also said he wasn't afraid of dying. If that was true, why did he feel so afraid right now?

"You've been controlling my actions before I die," L stated, his signature blank expression still plastered onto his face. "Tell me Light. How much time do I have left?"

"About 6 minutes or so." Light responded, glancing down at his watch for a brief second. "There's no point in trying to contact anyone to come save you. I've made sure all the cell phone towers were to malfunction, so you have no way of getting out of it."

"Yes, I understand.." L was finding it harder and harder to keep his calm composure. He couldn't believe he actually confessed to his crimes. "How do you do it? How do you kill people Yagami?"

Light couldn't help but notice that L dropped the honorific in his name and reverted to using his family name. This wasn't like L at all.

Light took a notebook out of the waistband of his pants and threw it onto the bed. "It's called a Death Note. I just need to write someone's full name in it while picturing their face and they'll die."

"Impossible.." L touched the notebook and flipped through the pages scanning the rules. The detective  glanced up at Light, only to see a Shinigami standing behind him.

L's eyes snapped open and his gaze darted around the room faster than the speed of light. It took him about a minute to process that he wasn't in danger or anything. He was in bed, presumably safe, warm beneath the covers.

The detective was trembling uncontrollably. His usually pale face was flushed and clammy, his body dripping with sweat. L's heart felt like it was going to come right out of his chest from how fast it was beating. L's eyes were glossy and glazed over, almost resembling a doll or toy.

"L!" A booming voice rang from beside him. The raven haired male turned his attention over to Light, blinking a few times to let to his vision focus.
"Are you okay?.." Light asked. L only shook his head rapidly in response, too frazzled to come up with any coherent words.
'What is going on inside your mind L?' Light thought to himself.

His voice was soft and gentle. The expression on his face was somewhere between worry and relief. Nothing like the evil version he had just interacted with in his dream.

Light scooted a little closer to L and combed his fingers through his tangled, black, hair. L tensed up at the sudden contact at first, but after a couple of seconds he relaxed a bit more. L's breathing started to slowly steady and become a bit more regular.

'It's seems I can calm him down simply by playing with his hair. I'll have to remember that.'

"What did you dream about, Ryuzaki?"

"...Y-you showed me your killing method. I can't remember how you did it though.." L finally choked out, after staying silent for a long time. "I do remember you giving me an item, that allowed me to see your Shinigami.."

"Yeah, that does sound pretty scary. Your brain is probably just sorting through your thoughts and feelings towards the case, that's why we dream after all."

L let out a small sigh through his nose, his breathing had finally gone back to a some-what normal pace.

"I always thought I wasn't scared dying, but my dream seems to be telling me otherwise."

"Most people are afraid of death or dying, even if they won't admit it. It's just human nature."

"I guess you're right Light-Kun.."

The two boys fell into a comfortable silent after that for a while, until Light stopped playing with L's hair.
L looked up at Light and shot him a cold look. The detective took hold of Light's wrist, just firmly enough so he couldn't do anything about it.

"What are you doing?"

L promptly moved Light's hand back up to his head, before letting go of his wrist.

"...I didn't want you to stop." L said, his voice almost barley audible.

"You're ridiculous." Light replied, going back to combing through L's hair with his fingers.

"Yes, I understand that," A small smirk present on his pale face. "Thank you, Light-Kun. You've been very kind to me tonight and I can assure you that won't go unappreciated."

L adjusted his position so his head was now resting on top of Light's chest.

Light couldn't help but observe L right now. He was cuddled up next to him almost like a child looking for comfort. Right now, L just looked so innocent and vulnerable, which is the opposite of how anyone would describe L.

Earlier in the night, L had even told light that's the reason he doesn't like sleeping. He doesn't want to be vulnerable to prey.

"You should try and go back to sleep," L said. "I apologize for waking you up.."

"You don't have to apologize. If i go back to sleep, what are you going to do?"

"Light-kun worries about me too much. I'll be fine."

"Okay then. Well if you need me or anything just.. pull on the chain or wake me up."

"By all means you're under no obligation to do this, but I have one request for you."

"What is it, Ryuzaki?"

"I.. I was wondering if we could stay like this this for tonight."

Light was taken back a bit by L's request. It didn't seem like him at all. He wasn't opposed to the idea of it, as long as it helped Ryuzaki feel less anxious about his nightmare.

"Uh.. yeah, sure..."

Light wrapped his arms around L and pulled him a bit closer to him. L tensed up for a second, before eventually making himself comfortable by burying his face into Light's neck.

L didn't know why he was letting himself get this close to Light. He was his suspect after all. But, here he was cuddling with a potential murderer.
L moved his head and briefly looked back up at Light.

If he was Kira, would he go through the trouble of comforting him the way Light did? L thought Light's reaction seemed genuine, it didn't feel an act. The concern in his eyes seemed real.

For now, L decided that he didn't want to worry about any of that. He just wanted to fall asleep and try to shake off the nightmare he had.

Light pretended to be asleep for a while, when in actuality he was just observing L to make sure he was alright.  Sure enough, after about ten minutes or so, L fell right back asleep in his arms.

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