Chapter 2

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For as long as she lived, Dr. Thelma never forgot the day 16-year-old Christian Roberts walked into her office.

First impression, as they say, is extremely important as it often determines the people perceive you before getting to know you better.

In Dr Thelma's case, the first thing she taught when she first laid eyes on Christian's wiry physique was that he was the perfect bully beat.

Though he was already at the age where boys were gradually becoming as talk as trees, he was barely above five feet. With frail, skinny arms, tiny legs and a head too large for his body, he looked like an awfully drawn caricature. His limbs look too weak to support his body.

He wore black framed glasses with extremely thick lenses as he'd been born with weak eyes and could barely see without them. Though his clothes were extremely expensive and could probably feed several mouths in an impoverished third world country, he still look ill and malnourished.

All in all, Dr Thelma would have simply seen him as a weak child had she not looked into his hollow grey eyes. To an ordinary observer, his eyes would have looked dull and insignificant, however, Dr Thelma was anything but ordinary.

She saw the signs of unusual intelligence in his eyes. He cleverly masked his emotions as he studied her military perfect face that had perfectly shaped bones. His eyes displayed signs of unusual intelligence and wit. The corners of his lips twitched slightly like he wasn't sure whether he wanted to smile or scowl.

Eventually, he did neither. He ran his fingers through his thick hair in an almost vain attempt to appear physically attractive to his therapist.

"You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Stern and fierce like an ancient goddess, just like I predicted. I've seen several pictures of you over the years but none of them were able to capture your elegance." Christian said, when he'd finally finished his cross examination. He had a faint, slightly aristocratic accent which she couldn't quite place.

"Your compliments are duly noted and appreciated, Christian. Please shut the door behind you and take a sit." Dr Thelma said. Her clear, feminine voice was both warm and inviting.

She watched Christian swagger into the room, tossing his large heavy head from left to right. His bad posture became more evident as he walked. With a bent back and protruding neck, it was obvious he'd grow up with deformed bones if his mother didn't try to correct him.

Christian sat across her, still observing her face with a carefully masked expression.

"So I've finally met my therapist. How do you start your session, Doc? Would you like me to tell you about my nightmares? Talk about my childhood? Or perhaps we can begin with the with fashioned 'tell me about yourself'." Christian said.

"We can talk about that if you want, Christian. However, I had an entirely different activity in mind for our first session." Dr Thelma said.

Christian sat up. This time, he couldn't hide the curiosity in his eyes.

"What do you have in mind, Doc?" He asked.

Dr Thelma reached into her desk and pulled out a piece of paper. She placed it on her desk and slid it over to him with a pencil and an eraser

"I heard your art skills are phenomenal. Would you mind drawing a picture for me. You can draw anything you like." Dr Thelma said.

"Alright. No peeking. I'm a bit shy so I don't like people seeing my drawings before they're finished." Christian gave her the ghost of a smile as he picked up the pencil.

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