Chapter 9

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After hearing Christian's startling confession, Dr Thelma decided it was time to have a private conversation with his parents.

She took the voice recording home and listened to the pattern of his voice, over and over again. She fell asleep hearing the boy's tiny voice.

His story was so tragic and so believable. He looked like such a wimp that it wouldn't have been hard to picture him being bullied by a domineering sister. Even his father seemed like a big bully.

Whenever she played the voice recording, she kept feeling like she was missing something. She didn't know what it was but she could just tell.

For days, this thought plagued her. There was just something about the boy that didn't add up.

He had told the story with the right amount of sorrow and fear but Dr Thelma still didn't feel convinced that he was telling her the full story.

At the end, she decided to schedule a meeting with his parents for the next session. She sometimes liked to speak to them to see how much progress was being made.

Dr Thelma sat in her office, sipping her coffee when her receptionist announced an arrival.

A few seconds later, a knock was heard.

"Yes? Come in." Dr Thelma said.

Delilah, Christian's mother seemed so shaky and scared that Dr Thelma even considered recommending a psychologist for her.

"Hello, Mrs Roberts. It's a pleasure. Although, I was expecting to see your husband here as well." Dr Thelma said.

"He had other engagements. He sends his regards." Delilah shivered.

"That's fine. There are occasions where I like to involve the guardians in the sessions and this is one of them. I'd like to say I believe we've made a lot of progress so far." Dr Thelma said.

"That's great. I just want him to get better. I want us to forget about it all." Delilah didn't meet Dr Thelma's eyes.

"I'm sure you know that Mr Roberts came to my office during one of our sessions and voiced his disapproval." Dr Thelma said.

Delilah's eyes flashed with defiance.
"He didn't believe Christian needed therapy. He wants everyone to be as strong as he is but we aren't." She said tightly.

"How did that make you feel?" Dr Thelma asked.

"My husband and I don't agree on everything. I wanted my son to get help. Christian wanted to get help as well." Delilah said.

"He did? I thought the therapy was all your idea." Dr Thelma said in shock.

Delilah blushed.
"It wasn't, actually. Christian came to me and mentioned it but I'm sorry to say I brushed it off. I'm not really keen on psychologists—no offense."

"None taken. But if you weren't keen, why did you agree?" Dr Thelma asked.

"He started having nightmares shortly after. I couldn't stand how scared he was." Delilah said.

"Who recommended me to you?" Dr Thelma felt a sick feeling in her gut.

"Christian's always been such a self sufficient boy. He was the one who found out about you and said he wanted you to be his shrink." Delilah said.

Dr Thelma digested that. She kept feeling like she was still missing something.

"Has he spoken about what happened the day his sister...y'know? I know there's the whole confidentiality thing but you can tell me right?" Delilah asked suddenly.

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