Chapter 5

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-Thanks for 100 followers! Here's an early update.

Since the next day was a Tuesday, they had school that day. The kids stayed at the manor. Mrs. Bustier wouldn't notice and they had two of the chaperones with them, so they technically had permission. Alfred found them some clothes around the manor that no one ever wore anymore, so they put that on, ate breakfast, and headed to school.

At school, everyone smart avoided them since they scared them. This meant that everyone in their class would always try to talk to them, wanting to know what Alya meant when she said that they weren't there anymore. It was a good thing that the only time they saw them was in the halls and during lunch.

Unknown to them, they wanted to ask them that last night, but they never saw them. They went to ask Mrs. Bustier, but she said that she didn't know where they were. And since they were out with the chaperones, they must have been out with them. Meaning that they were safe. They would return by morning, she promised.

They never did. Everyone wanted to know what they meant when they told Alya that, but they couldn't ask them since they weren't there.

But when they saw them at school, they kept asking them. They had the question about where they were last night, but they pushed that in the back of their minds when someone asked what they meant. The question was eating up at their brains.


Their teachers on Tuesday heard from their teachers on Monday what had happened when they asked a question. They would answer it without looking up. It didn't even matter if they were paying attention to the lesson or not.

So, them being smarter than the other Parisians, asked questions to their actual class instead of that group. The other Parisians got asked questions, but they couldn't understand it. They knew the basics of English, but they needed a translator for any question about the work. And whenever they had gotten the question and answered it, it was always wrong. They tried looking at Lila for help since she said she knew this stuff, but she never looked at them, so they didn't get the answers from her.

Adrien was frowning. Lila's lies were sure going to be exposed there. He didn't want them to be because they weren't hurting anyone. The class would gang up on her, and her feelings are very sensitive. She could be upset here and all the way to when they get back to Paris. She could get akumatized and devastate Paris. He had to find a way for her not to get exposed. They should figure it out by themselves, not having someone come and expose her, intentional or not.

He then thought about Marinette. Marinette was popular at this school. He just had to convince her that she should just say that Lila isn't lying and everyone would believe it. It was simple. She used to always do whatever he said, so it would be easy. But the way she was recently acting? That had to be an act to get someone she liked to notice her. He just wished that the person she liked would notice her.

Adrien also noticed that she was hanging out with only two people at the school they were staying at until they went back to Paris. Was the one who always had his arms all on her the guy she wanted to get noticed by? Was he the reason she was acting  like that? Did Marinette drag all her friends to act like that so it wouldn't look like she wasn't the only one that was acting like that? It could have been the reason. The only reason they were acting like that in Paris was to get used to the behavior.

But he also noticed that when they were together, Marinette would act like her old self. But wasn't the reason she was acting like that because she wanted to impress him? But there was that guy that was also just a nice guy all the time to everyone. Maybe he got her to act her normal self?

Adrien shook his head to clear his thoughts. He would figure this out. Everything always goes to his advantage. Lila wouldn't be exposed because she wasn't hurting anyone, the class would still believe her, Marinette and her group wouldn't try to expose her anymore, and their group would act their normal self. He might be able to be Chat Noir again. Everything was going to turn out just the way he wanted.


Their class didn't ask them any questions at lunch. They didn't want to make a scene. That was only because Lila said that. If it were up to them, they would ask her the moment they saw her and her little group of bullies.

They decided to ask them after school after they got them somewhere where they would 'talk.' If they didn't do what they wanted, they would hit them until they got the answers they wanted. Hitting them was only a bonus for them hurting Lila.

- I know it's shorter than my usual chapters, but I still plan on updating tomorrow and Monday. This was just an earlier update. So, see you tomorrow. I'm going to try and have this done either on or before Halloween.


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