ch. 12

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~Chapter 12~ 


"Samantha, come on," I groan, running my hands over my face.

"No, don't come near me," she hisses and I feel like she tore off one of my limbs.  

"Sam, please, I said I'd break up with her-"

"You've been- You had a girlfriend this whole damn time! And you've been playing me," her voice cracks and tears are coming down her cheeks so I start to panic. 

"N-no, baby, I-"

"Don't baby me," she groans, turning around and running her thin fingers through her short hair. 

"I don't love her the way I love-" I quickly stop once I realize what's coming out of my mouth. 

"The way you what?" she says and I don't respond. I hadn't told anyone I loved them in so long, and I really hated saying it. In fear of rejection but I also just didn't like admitting it; it made me feel vulnerable and weak. 

Emotions made a person weak. 

"That's what I thought.." she says quietly and then leaves my room he way she'd entered. 

"Fuck," I yell once I heard the front door slam. I made a mess of my room but then decided, this was not how I should be dealing with this. 

I went into my kitchen and opened the cabinent, engulfing myself in the sweet taste of bitterness. 



I couldn't show up at work that night, not while Louis and Brooke would be dining together and I especially did not want to serve them. 

I had almost kissed her; she was so beautiful and the moment was amazing but I had to remember she had a boyfriend. Even though he was one of the most disrespectful people I'd ever met.

 I couldn't continue with seeing Brooke at the club constantly and not being able to be physically and emotionally close to her. 

I pulled out my phone and sent her a text that I soon regretted in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep that night, no surprise, but it was different tonight. I actually couldn't shut my eyes and try to drift off; images of Brooke wouldn't leave my mind and my thoughts were yelling too loudly for me to peacfully sleep. 



3:05 am


we can't keep doing this. i can't be around you and not be able to care about you the way i do without making it obvious..sorry. whatever we are doing, we have to stop 

I had forgotten to put my phone on do not disturb that night, my phone notifying me with a text, causing me to jolt up. 

The message gave me anxiety, a huge weight forming on my chest as I sat up and ran a shaky hand through my hair. 

He was right, what were we doing? 

I quietly climb out of bed and walk into the hallway, my feet padding against the cold floor. 

I was about to go downstairs until I hear thuds and groans. I thought at first it was Taylor who had invited over some girl, but it wasn't. Taylor was fast asleep. 

The harsh truth hits me when I recognize my fathers voice coming from his bedroom, except, the woman he was with, was certainly not my father.  

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