ch. 6

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~Chapter 6~ 


"Brooke," Hunter's voice is raspy and twisted with anger as he arches over to me, grabbing my arm. 

"Let go!" I practically yell in his face. 

Right now I was honestly so angered, I couldn't even think straight, let alone speak the right words but at the same time I was still pre cautiousness of Hunter.  

"No! Not until you explain yourself!" was Hunter blind to Harry standing right beside me?

He soon was though because Harry comes up, shoving Hunter's chest. 

"What the fuck is your problem?" Harry butts in, his voice loud and clear as I stand back just watching Hunter's facial expression change. 

"And who the hell are you?"


"Well, Harry," he takes a step towards him, "Brooke is my girlfriend and I can do whatever the fuck I want," he says as he grabs my arm harshly again. 

"If you don't want to get hurt I suggest you leave." Harry's face is stern as he takes a step closer to Hunter. 

"You're the one who would get hurt," 

I look around to see Taylor's face, sitting at the kitchen bar like nothing was happening but in the same time engaged into what was occuring. 

"Harry, please just go,"

"No, Brooke, I'm not just going to let him touch you like that," he directs towards me. 

"Harry please, just leave,"

"You heard her," Hunter cuts. 

Harry glares at him and then looks back to me as I nod and mouth 'go'. 

He shakes his head, his feet glued to the ground and his fists clenched by his sides as I stood there, still in Hunter's grasp. 

"Harry, please," I was so close to getting down on my knees and beg.


"I will talk to you later, I promise, just please,"

Harry gives Hunter another look and then deeply inhales, "Fine,"

He brushes past me and quickly whispers into my ear, "I'm calling you in an hour,"

After he leaves Hunter turns around and snaps at Taylor, "Go upstairs, I have some talking to do with your sister," and gives him a fake smile.

Taylor never really liked Hunter...maybe a little at first but he got the vibe of him and his attitude. The only thing he didn't know was how Hunter treated me...I didn't want him to go and tell mom or dad or something. I was scared of anyone finding out about what Hunter is doing well because who knows, he could lash out at any moment...really hurting someone. 

 After Taylor was out of sight Hunter pushes me against the fridge, his grip tightening around my arm. 

"Who the fuck was that Harry guy!" 

"He was just-"

"Are you fucking him!?"

"No! Why do you always assume that if I hang out with a guy let alone say hi to them!?" 

He bites his bottom lip and seems lost for words as my heart raced in my chest, scared he would hurt me. 

"Where did you go at the party?"

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