ch. 4

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~Chapter 4~

The night had been drawing out longer and longer by the minute. The sky was a dark navy but the street lamps lit up the area around me. The cold air whipped around me, sending chills all through out my body as I waited for Harry's arrival. A few tears kept leaking from my eyes that I harshly wiped away. I shouldn't be crying...not when Harry was about to pick me up. Plus it just made me look weak and like a baby. 

I felt weak too often. Why did I just let Hunter push me around all the time? I wish I could end it but I just can't. He wouldn't let me...he'd fully go crazy. 

Harry probably thought I was annoying by now. What time was it anyway?

Damn, 1:37. I really should have just walked home or something... But home was so far away, what am I thinking. 

I pull myself into my own hug to try and keep the chilly air out but failed at my attempt. When a black car rolls up and stops in front of me, I stand to my feet. I wipe at my cheeks one last time but he caught me in the action. 

The window rolls down from the passenger side while I pull a strand of my hair back from my face. 

"Get in," Harry beckons me with his hand. 

I open the door, getting in and putting my seatbelt on. I look down at my hands for a few moments while I feel Harry's eyes on me. 

"You okay?" his voice is low and raspy but soothing. 

"Mhm," I hum, nodding, scared if I actually tried to speak words I'd break down right in front of him. 

"Look at me," he says as more of a demand then request. 

I turn my head to him, my eyes meeting his. His orbs just held worry and concern...

"Have you been crying?" his voice is gentle once again. 

His hand comes up to my face, his thumb brushing over my still wet cheeks. 

I bite my lip as I stare at his expression. 

"What happened?" his voice has dropped to a whisper now. 

I shake my head, "Nothing," my voice betrays me, cracking. 

My eyes look down at my hands as his hand drops from my face. The loss of warmth sends a chill down my spine in the process. 

He sighs and turns his body to face straight. 

"Where do you want me to take you? Home?"

"No." I cut him off. If I arrived home this late my parents would ask questions. 

"Well uh..." he hesitates, "you can stay at my place, if you'd like?" 

"I..." I think for a second. Was this really a good idea? 

"Y-yes, please," I give in. 

I mean, where else could I go?


We arrive at Harry's house, which was one floor but very cozy and roomy. It had a kitchen that was connected with the dining room, which also led into the living room. There was a hallway that lead back to a single bedroom and there were two bathrooms. 

"Um...sorry it's not the best," Harry is timid after he locks the door. 

"Don't say that, I'd love to live here," 

His eyes widen and a small smirk is pulled onto his lips. 

"I mean in a place like this...I mean not that, well-" I shake my head, "I'm going to stop talking now," 

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