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"E-eh?",you gave the two siblings a confused look. "WHAT MY BROTHER IS TRYING TO SAY IS.",the brown haired girl squished herself out of the door frame and stepped closer. "That we want YOU as the manager of Nekoma!", she pointed at you with a proud smile, now standing confidentely in front of you.

Your classmates, who were as confused as you when suddenly the Yamamoto siblings, Taketora and Akane, came running into the classroom and got stuck in the door frame, were now staring at your back. They patiently waited for an answer while you stood there, still confused on why exactly you should be the manager.

"Why me though?",you tilted your head a bit. "Well you see-",Akane wanted to say something, but got cut off by her brother. "We never had a lady manager! And you're pretty close to the team already! AND you didn't join a club yet! Besides...",he took a deep breath and seemed to calm down a bit.

"If a pretty girl like you becomes our manager...Tanaka and Nishinoya will be so jealous! You're basically a mix between Karasuno's managers.", his eyes sparkled with certainty as he imagined all kinds of scenarios. Akane looked at him with a glare of disappointment. "So anyways, your answer?",she looked at you with a smile again.

You let out a 'hum' noise as you let everything you've been told go through your mind. It was true, you didn't join a club yet and you didn't plan on doing so. But spending more time with the Volleyball Club and going with them to training camps would improve your social skills. That's at least what Kuroo would tell you now. "You know what, I'll follow Kuroo-senpais advice for once. I'll become the manager.",a tiny reassuring smile grew on your lips as you watched the siblings sparkle out of joy.

"That's great Y/N-chan!",Akane made a fist out of her hand and smiled brightly. Your classmates went back to what they were doing before. Some even applauded, knowing that the ace has always wanted a lady manager. Said ace was in his own world after you agreed to his offer. You decided to just let him enjoy this moment and walk to your next class. Before doing so, you gave the girl in front of you a smile and waved at her.

On the way to your next class, which was (f/s), you started to question why Akane was even here in the first place. She was in Junior High after all. Shrugging that thought off you entered your class, putting your bag down next to the table. "Tora seems to be in a good mood.", the boy next to you put his phone down and looked at you. "He already told you?",to be honest here, you weren't surprised about that.

"Mhm...over text.",Kenma showed you their chat of Yamamoto fanboying over having you as their LADY manager and Kenma telling him to calm down. "Oh...damn.",you turned away again. "If I'm being honest, I'm actually a bit excited about it.",you smiled softly to yourself. "That would be Tora, you and the whole team.",he let his phone fall into his bag as the teacher came into the class to start the lesson. A slight chuckle escaped your lips when the thought of the team being that happy about something this small crossed your mind.

𝐍𝐄𝐊𝐎𝐌𝐀'𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now