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The lesson had ended rather fast due to the teacher mainly talking about her life expieriences and not the subject. Not that I'd complain though.

I stole a glance at Kenma who was already on his phone again and stood up. "We could walk to practice together.",that sounded more like a question than a statement, but he agreed with a nod nonthless.

"I'm sure you could hear these two yelling miles away.",you tried to have some small talk with the anti-social boy before the atmosphere turned awkward. "The loud organ seems to be in the family.",he joked not looking away from his phone. It has always been impressing how he managed not to run into anything while playing. Sometimes you wished you could have that ability. Sadly you always bump into people, chairs and even walls.

Thinking back on all these incidents made you sigh and focuse back on how you were walking, trying to avoid to repeat them. You arrived at your destination, the gym. Before you could grab the door to open it, Kenma held his arm in front of you to stop your actions. "Wait a second.", he said while stepping back a bit.

Suddenly the door swung open with such a power that could've easily wiped you off the ground. "Y/N-CHAN YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! LOOK IT'S OUR LADY MANA-",before the energetic boy could finish his scentence, Yaku kicked him and made him fall on the ground in front of you two. Kenma walked into the gym, unbothered by the scene that just occured. You silently followed him, walking past Yaku who was scolding Yamamoto like a mother would.

"HI L/N-SAN!",Lev greeted you, smiling as bright as ever. "Hi Lev. Guess I'm the manager now?",you looked over at Coach Nekomata who gave you a reassuring smile. He was pretty happy about the fact that the boys had found a reliable manager. The coach has always had the idea of asking you to become the manager since the boys were only talking good about you. Your good grades, how you stay calm in stressful situations and how you always seem to find the best words to cheer someone up.

Naoi walked up to you with the same expression as everyone else, handing you the clothes you had to wear. "L/N-san, you know where the changing room is right?",he asked you. "Mhm.",you took the clothes and walked to said rooms. It didn't take long for you to change from your uniform to the gym clothes the coach gave you. "Alright, you got this.",you let out a last sigh and walked back to the boys.

"L/N-san, you can help me count the points.",Naoi waved you over to the board. The match started and you observed every player closely. Since your mom was once a volleyball player you knew some stuff. She was a setter back in highschool, but stopped playing because their captain was appearently demanding too much of them. Especially your mom, since she was the official setter and no one was able to do what she did.

It felt like as if the match only took some seconds. The result was Kuroos team winning and an irritated Yamamoto. "Cheer up, it was really close.",you cheered the ace up, even though it sounded like a mix between scolding and cheering up. Luckily that was all it took to make him smile and promise to do better next time.

The boys now practiced what they were the weakest at and you of course helped them by telling them your observations you made during the match. Kenma needed to move even more, which didn't surprise anyone, Yamamoto needed to work on his recieves and Lev on his blocking. You could say you felt a bit sorry for the giant when Kuroo helped him with his blocks. He was like a dad that screamed at you while helping you with your math homework. And then when you think Yaku as the 'mom' would help better he was even harsher on him.

"L/N-san...please...help me.",an exhausted Lev came panting to you and fell sweating like crazy on the floor. "You're being so dramatic.",Yaku glared at him while holding a volleyball under his arm. "You still have 50 spikes and 50 blocks to go.",Kuroo joined in on bullying the poor first year. It was pretty funny seeing them acting like strict parents with Lev. That would probably make you his cool aunt that let's him get away with mostly everything.

Lev noticed you smiling at your thoughts and immeadiatly stood up. "NOT YOU TOO!",he whined at you. "I'm not laughing at that, I'm laughing at a thought I just had don't worry.",you patted his back since patting his shoulder was impossible.


Time flew by like nothing today and it was already the end of practice. "Aaaaand?",Inouka suddenly stood behind you with a wide grin. "And what?",you gave him a confused smile as a response. "How was your first day as the manager?",the boy seemed to be more excited than Lev was.

"It was neat.",you picked up some of the volleyballs that were laying around and put them back in the big bag. "I had to hold back some laughter when Yaku-senpai and Kuroo-senpai started fighting and ended up taking it out on Lev.",you chuckled while remembering it. "Wow L/N-san, you're so mean.",he lightly punched your shoulder and helped you picking up the balls on the ground.

With Inoukas help and Yamamoto, who wanted to impress you by picking up 5 balls at once, you managed to finish your work. Before walking to the changing rooms to change, Coach Naoi ran up to you and handed you a clipboard. He apologized for forgetting it at first and ran back. As you walked into the room you stared at the clipboard for some seconds. You couldn't help but feel some excitement coming up in you. There's going to be a lot of stuff coming at you.

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