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Draco's POV:

  Mother and I were standing next to platform 9 3/4, waiting for the Zabini's. I was beaming with excitement, every moment with Blaise was an adventure. He always seemed to make the most boring of situations interesting.

Blaise's POV:

  As we got closer to platform 9 3/4 Draco slowly came into sight. "Draco!" I yelled as I got close enough so he could hear me. He snapped his head around to look at me. My mom had my bags so I ran to Draco. Once we met we wrapped our arms around each other. We stayed wrapped in each others arms, we hadn't seen each other for a while because me and mother had been staying in Germany with her current husband. 

  "Hello Marissa" Narcissa said to my mother, warmth in her voice. (A/N I have no idea what Blaise's moms name is I just made one up)

  "We made it just in time!" my mom said as she gave me my bags. Narcissa gave Draco his bags and gently placed a kiss on his head. 

  "Bye honey, bye Blaise" Narcissa said to Draco and I. 

  I hugged my mom while Draco ran through platform 9 3/4. I turned around and ran through the wall. 

  "Catch me if you can!" Draco said while running towards the train.

 "Hey!" I said, starting to run after him.

  Laughing as I ran after him, people gave us looks as they hurried out of our way. We eventually made it to the train, that didn't stop me from running after him though. I chased him down the walkway of the train, pushing past people that were walking there. Draco eventually found an empty compartment and threw himself into a seat. I followed after, falling onto him. We laughed as I got up. Draco stood up and put our bags in the rack above the seat.

Draco's POV

  I didn't want Blaise to know but when he fell on me it hurt my side a little, I could handle it though. After a while of talking to each other and catching up, I was starting to get tired so I laid my head on Blaise's shoulder. It felt as if I had only been asleep for a few minutes before I felt Blaise shaking me. 

  "The trains stopping." Blaise said, bluntly.

  "Like now?" I said, yawning.

  "Yea 'like now'" Blaise said in a mocking tone.

  "No need to be so rude Mr. Zabini." I said chuckling. I stood up and grabbed our bags down from the rack above our seats. I handed Blaise his bags and pushed past him, giggling. Blaise pushed me as he walked out of the compartment behind me. I felt Blaise grab my bag, I guess he was trying to stay close to me.

Blaise's POV:

 I grabbed Draco's bag, I didn't know why I did this, I guess I just wanted to make sure we didn't get seperated. I continued to follow him off the train.

Draco's POV:

After the boat ride across the lake, we were at Hogwarts. Blaise and I had been separated. I desperately tried to find him.

New Beginnings//Book One//Blaico (Blaise x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now