2 - Day After

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Draco's POV:

Our prefect, Gemma Farley, lead us to our common rooms. Blaise, Harry, and I went to find where our dorms were. When we saw our names on the silver plaque, we were ecstatic. We rushed into our room and claimed our beds.

Harry's POV:

"I'm gonna take a shower now" I said as I gathered some things from my bag. Both of the boys nodded at me as I walked into the bathroom.

Blaise's POV:

I sat down on Draco's bed, since it was the closest.

"I'm gonna get changed" Draco said as he looked through his bag.

"Alright" I said, sighing and laying back on his bed. As he took his shirt off I noticed a bruise on his side, amongst other faded bruises. This one looked new though.

"Draco, what's that?" I said, staring at the new bruise.

"What's what?" Draco said, putting a sweater on.

"The bruise" I said, worried.

"Which one?" Draco said turning around.

"That one" I said as I touched where the bruise was. "And the other ones but, mainly that one."

"Oh, right.. uh that was where you fell on me on the train" Draco said.

"I did that?" I said, with tears in my eyes.

"Are you-...why're you crying?" Draco said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I'm not crying I don't know what you mean" I said, sniffling. I don't want him to think i'm sensitive. Draco sat down beside me on his bed and wiped the tear off my face.

"I'm fine, Blaise. I promise" Draco said, looking me in the eyes. I looked up at him and held my pinky out. He smiled and wrapped his pinky around mine. I chuckled lightly and let go off his pinky.

"What about the other bruises?" I said, becoming worried again.

"Um.. well it's a long story.." Draco said, looking to the side. He then sighed and said, "My dad.."

"You mean he like..?" I said, my eyes starting to water again. Draco nodded.

Draco's POV:

It felt good to get that off my chest but I hated to see him cry.

"Blaise..." I said, sadly.

I pushed myself further up onto the bed and wrapped my arms around him. I ran my hand through his soft, curly hair. I could feel my shirt getting wet from his tears. There was a pause when we heard music blasting from the bathroom. 

Harry's POV:

I adjusted things around in the bathroom, I could hear Draco and Blaise talking about something but I wasn't going to try to listen to their conversation. It would be the best thing to do, I didn't want to ruin the friendship I had just made. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, though it wasn't the newest phone I was still grateful for it. I plugged it up to an old speaker that wouldn't have worked if Hermione hadn't have showed me that spell on the train earlier. I plugged my phone up to the speaker and clicked shuffle on my playlist.

Blaise's POV:

"What is that noise..?" I said as I raised my head from Draco's shoulder.

"Seems to be some type of music? Maybe muggle music of some sort?"  Draco said.

We then made eye-contact and immediately moved away from each other.  There were a few long moments of silence, besides Harry's "muggle music." 

Draco eventually broke the  silence once a different, slower, song came on.

(Yes this is the version Harry has on his playlist) 

"Wanna dance?"  He said this without making eye contact with me. Draco was never the type to willingly dance.

"Sure.." I said hesitantly. 

Draco got himself up from the bed and stuck his hand out for me to grab ahold of. I took his hand and pulled myself from the bed. We adjusted ourselves and we danced as we always did. This feeling was a new one. It's not like I had never danced with Draco, we took dance classes together. We always danced together, but never alone like this. We were the only people in the room, dancing. Nothing but dancing. It felt so free, though Harry was in the room beside us, it felt as if we were the only people in the world. It felt like I was being engulfed by his scent. In that moment I had no worries. It was just the two of us, like it had always been and like it always will be. I closed my eyes and laid my head on Draco's shoulder, allowing myself to take in this unforgettable moment.

Draco's POV: 

As we began dancing, though we had many of times before, this time felt like no other. We had never danced alone, it was always in a room with many other people. Surrounded and unable to be our true selves. I think Blaise and I have always been close, we've always known the way we feel, we're just too scared to admit it to each other. But maybe that's just me and Blaise doesn't feel this way. He probably doesn't feel anything towards me except friendship. We're the closest we've ever been right now. This is probably the closest I'll ever be to someone as heavenly as him. He laid his head on my shoulder and I could feel tears building up in my eyes. Why was I crying? Is it the thought of not being able to express my true self? I'm not gay I don't know what I'm thinking right now.. Blaise and I are just friends and that's all we'll ever be.

The music abruptly stopped. We both paused and then the realization that Harry would soon be coming out of that door that separated us. We quickly went to our beds on opposite sides of the room and acted as if we hadn't been doing anything.

"I'll be back, tell Harry I'm going to the library." I said grabbing a coat.

"This late at night? With a coat?" Blaise said.

I didn't answer him though, I just walked out of the dorm and went. I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted to be away. 

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