3 - Feelings

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It had been a few weeks into the school year, nothing exciting had happened. Things were awkward between Draco and Blaise, which made things awkward between all three of the boys. Until the day everything broke apart.

Draco's POV:

I'd gotten tired of not talking to Blaise so I decided today was going to be the day that changed. I was going to talk to Blaise and things were going to be fine again. I found Harry before I found Blaise.

"Do you know where Blaise is?" I said as I approached Harry from behind.

He turned his head around to face me, "You guys are talking again?"

"Well, not yet. I want to fix things with him. So do you know where he is?"

"Last I checked he was going back to the common room to grab something." Harry said.

"Thanks, mate!" I said, rushing to the common room too find Blaise. Once I got to the common room I found Blaise and a slytherin girl talking on the the sofa. I don't know why but it filled me with rage. I stood, frozen, not knowing what to do. I was stood there until the girl noticed me, the girl turned out to be Daphne Greengrass. Blaise turned to look at me, he looked annoyed.

"What do you want?" he said, the way he said this made me even more angry.

"I was going to come in here to apologize but it seems you're busy." I said, harshly.

"You, apologizing? Since when!" Blaise said, shooting up from his seat on the sofa.

"If you're gonna be this way, then I won't be apologizing!" I said, angrily as I stormed out.

Right before I left, Blaise said something that changed everything.

"Fine then you bloody fag!"

I almost stopped and turned around to say something but I instead I ran even faster. He found my weak spot. I felt my heart drop to my chest, I continued to run.

Blaise's POV:

I hadn't meant what I had said. What I had said wasn't true. I wanted to take in back, I wanted to run to Draco and comfort him. We had been together forever, why was everything falling apart now? But when I turned to look at Daphne, she had an evil smirk spread across her face. Was she the reason? Was she going to be the reason I broke ties with my childhood best friend, the person I had trusted with everything.

"I never liked him." Daphne said, in a snarky tone.

For some reason she drew me in. I seemed to be addicted to her. This felt so wrong, but I couldn't stop myself.


Weeks passed and the boys grew more distant as time passed. They were fighting every night. When one even looked at the other the wrong way a fight broke out. They were sure things would never be the same again. They wouldn't talk to each other when their families went on holiday for Christmas, which was approaching. They wouldn't be visiting each other over the summer. They wouldn't speak to each other unless it was an argument. All this trouble leads back to Daphne Greengrass, Blaise's girlfriend. Ever since the day they started dating is when things kept getting worse. And with Christmas approaching, who knows what would happen?


Harry's POV:

I was approaching the dorm and, as usual, I could hear the sound of arguing, growing as I got closer. I really wish they wouldn't fight, though I have no clue what they're fighting about. I walked in and tried my best to ignore their bickering. I lay down on my bed and sighed. I heard a slight part of their argument.. Something about "that stupid dance on that stupid night" in Draco's words. I still had no clue what he was talking about though. I was so glad that Christmas was approaching, I would able to get away from all of this. Not that I wouldn't have to hear it at home too.


It was the day that the students either went home for Christmas or stayed at Hogwarts during the break. Of course most of the students went home. There were the few that stayed but Blaise, Draco, Daphne, and Harry all went home.


Blaise's POV:

I was so excited to go on holiday for Christmas, this year we were going to The States. But my excitement was soon gone when i realized Draco would be there also. I hated seeing him and not being able to tell him what I actually think. That I'm sorry, that Daphne is the one telling me to do all of this. I hate being rude to him, but it makes Daphne happy. Surely if we're on holiday she won't know. No.. I'm sure she'll find someway to know. All that matters is it makes Daphne happy. She's my girlfriend, I'm supposed to make her happy at all costs.

Draco's POV:

I had gotten away with not going on holiday this year, I told mother I felt terribly ill. She said it would take a lot of convincing with my father but she would try, he ended up not caring at all. I don't think i could stand to look Blaise Zabini in the eyes for one more second. Though later that night I found myself latching onto a photo I had took of him a few years ago before he and his mother left for Germany. I laid in my room, alone, desperately latching onto that photo. Recently my thoughts had been taken over by him. I felt a hot tear run down my cold cheek. I burst out into tears. I stared at the photo, wishing to be near him. I wished I could relive that dance. All I wanted in this moment was comfort. A warm embrace. A warm embrace I knew no one would give me.


Blaise spent most of his time on holiday alone. Huddled up in a lonely hotel room. Though he was supposed to be having fun, he was experiencing the least fun emotions he had ever experienced. He desperately hoped for someone to save him. Save him from Daphne. She was a horrible human. Blaise thought it was a normal thing though. He thought that no matter what, he had to make her happy. So he did exactly that.

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