4 - Chaos

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It was now after Christmas and students had arrived back at Hogwarts. Harry was the first to arrive in the dorm.

Harry's POV:

Blaise soon arrived after me. I knew once Draco came through the door that they would start fighting. He hated when they fought, why couldn't things just be back to normal again? I still didn't know why they were mad at each other, he just wanted to it be over. Draco came in and I awaited the yelling. However, this time there was no yelling. It seemed calm. Did they resolve things over christmas? Or was this the calm before the storm?

Blaise's POV: 

Draco came in but I didn't have the energy to yell. After everything that I felt on holiday I don't think I could. Maybe things could be better one day, just not now.

Draco's POV:

I walked into the dorm, fully expecting Blaise to start an argument. When he didn't say anything I was truly shocked. Is this when we would stop talking forever? The final breaking point after all these years. I never thought I would have to let him go. I thought it was going to be just Blaise and I forever. Was Blaise going to replace me with that Greengrass. Well, if I'm being honest with myself he had already been doing that. I just didn't want to let it sink in.


It had been a few weeks and things were going as normal, except they weren't normal at all. Draco and Blaise weren't fighting, but Blaise and Daphne were. It was an everyday occurrence, but by the end of the day Blaise had always made it up to her. Both Harry and Draco knew she wasn't good for Blaise. Draco and Blaise could have a normal conversation now but they were still distant.

Harry's POV:

Draco and I were in the dorm after our classes, doing homework. We were interrupted when  Daphne came into the dorm, yelling and Blaise chasing after her. But they never argued in our dorm. I soon realized why they were in here when Daphne started grabbing her belongings from Blaise's side of the room.

"What are you doing?" Blaise said to Daphne, in a disappointed tone.

"I'm getting my stuff and leaving! We're over Zabini!" Daphne said, in a snarky tone.

Draco and I just stared. We didn't know what else to do.

"Fine then you bloody whore!" Daphne paced towards the door with her things and just as she walked out Blaise called, "Just so you're aware, I knew about you and Theodore!"

Draco's POV:

Daphne slammed the door and Blaise threw himself onto his bed with a sigh.

"You ok, mate?" Harry called out to Blaise.

"'M fine," Blaise called back in an exhausted voice.

It felt so weird to not comfort him, I knew he needed it. I was going to give it time though, things would eventually resolve. Maybe over summer we could try to get back to normal. I mean I could always start trying now. No.. I think it would be best to give him time. Harry and I continued to do our homework, Blaise eventually joined us. The rest of the night went by pretty normally, we all went to sleep at a decent time, Blaise was still awake by the time I was asleep.

Blaise's POV:

I waited until I knew for sure that Harry and Draco were asleep. Once they both were sleeping, I  left the tower. I went to The Room of Requirement, I knew I wasn't supposed to be here. I just wanted somewhere to be alone with my thoughts. I sat in a chair in the room and put my head in my hands. I felt tears run down my face. I don't know how long I stayed there, but by the time I got back, Draco was awake and sitting up in his bed.

"Where were you?" He said sleepily.

"Nowhere," I said as I took my shoes off. I looked up at Draco and I could tell he wasn't buying it. With a sigh I said, "The Room of Requirement."

"Why?" He said, yawning.

"Draco it's early in the morning, go back to sleep."

"We wake up in an hour, I'm fine," he said as he prepared himself to wake up. I sighed and sat down on his bed, leaning my head against the wall. This was the closest we had been in a while.. since that dance.. I so desperately wished I could go back to that moment, if I could relive it I would have followed Draco out. I should have followed Draco out. Why didn't I follow him, why was I acting so stupidly.

"Hey, Draco?"


"I'm sorry.."


That morning was the day everything changed. The remainder of the morning was spent with Draco and Blaise in each others arms. Blaise didn't get any sleep and ended up falling asleep in Snape's class, which was probably the best class for him to fall asleep in. Snape was aware of what Blaise was feeling. He knew Blaise needed a break.

The time came when summer approached. They would soon leave. Go their separate ways, except for Blaise and Draco. They would be spending time together throughout the summer. Especially in their dance classes.


Blaise's POV:

I was nervous to start going to classes with Draco again. The last time we danced was the first night of Hogwarts in the dorm. I'm sure things would be fine though. As we approached the Malfoy Manor my heart began to race. This is how things always went, mother and I would meet Draco and his mother at their home then we would go to the dance classes.

Most of the ride was just our moms talking, but I didn't mind. I don't know what they were talking about because I was tired, as it was only 5 AM. The dance classes were hours away. About an hour into the ride I laid my head in Draco's lap and went to sleep.

After many hours we arrived at the class. Most of the time was just the instructor talking but finally, the time came to actually dance with Draco. My heart was racing and my hands were sweating.

We began dancing and it wasn't as bad as I thought, things were perfectly normal. Maybe things were back to like they used to be.

New Beginnings//Book One//Blaico (Blaise x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now