Ch.1 The True Gear

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  I am standing in darkness, watching flash of my life go bye. An open field with my parents I can't remember the reason we are the but, but I do remember running around having my parents catch me. I remember the laughter from the as they missed on purpose. That was one of the last good memories I had of them.

  The next flash of memories is when my parents started yelling at each other. I don't remember what about, all I see is myself curled up in a ball on my bed, covering my ear asked for them to stop. Then it becomes dark. I see my young self get out of bed early in the morning from footsteps moving fast. I go out of my room and into the living room, to see my mother with a suitcase at the door about to leave. She looks at me and gave me a look that her have before, she looked at me with hatred and disgust. Then she left.

  Then there another flash, my father and I have been in Japan, his birth place for a couple of years now. I enter the the place we live at, because the place we lived in never felt like a home. The whole place was a mess, the sink is full of drity dishes, bags of trash in a pile, and papers and magazines all over the place. I let out a sigh and start cleaning, even though my father just going trash it again. He rarely here, always going into work early and leaving late.

  Then there is another flash, I actually got a chance to talk to my father. He tells me that I'm going to a different city for my schooling. I felt myself breaking, he sending away. How could he? I never once blame him, but this? I don't understand.

  There another flash of light, but this time it's blindingly bright. I try to block the light but I feel burning pain in my stomach. I try to move but the pain only getting worse. I then wake up in a cold sweat. I look around and saw that none of it look familiar to me. I try to stand up and look around, but as soon as I get up I fall down on the floor. I try and get up but the pain in my stomach is to much.

  I then hear the door open, I look and see the girl from the other day. "Where am I?" I asked her, she came over to help me up off the floor. "Your at my place. I brought you here after your fight with the fallen angel."  She sat me down on the bed and placed her hand against my head. "Well you don't have a fever and your wound is healing up nicely. That good, exceptional after I just found you."

  I try and catch my breath as I look at her. I notice many things about her like her pale skin, her beautiful ocaen blue eyes, the pair of horns on her head, and her goddess life figure. She definitely gives Rias and Akeno a run for there money. But that fact that she was looking for me push all those thoughts aside at the moment.

   "Why are you looking for me?" I simply asked her. "Well, I'm not trying to be rude but your sacred gear. It one the connected to my people, and my father believes that I could help us." She stated, so she just wants to us me. Too bad I don't have what she looking for. "Well I'm sorry to tell you this but, my sacred gear is a simple time 2 critical. Nothing real special."

  She placed her hand on my cheek so that she has my full attention. "You and your sacred gear are more then simple, your gear is called the Oni soul. It is an artfact forged from the very soul of the first and most powerful oni king, and only another soul that is as strong or stronger the then the oni king can wield them, and that is you." She then stands up and offers me her hand. "And I would like to help properly use this artfact for both you and my people."

  I guess I have nothing to lose from this, but first let me ask this Oni goddess her name, so I take her hand and she helps me up. "You got yourself a deal, but I wish to know the name your name." She smiles as she help me walk out of the room I'm in. "My name is Chiyo, and I'm the last Oni of this world."

Rias POV

  It been a whole day and I've asked almost everyone if they seen (Y/N) at all, but nothing. The only useful information I got was from Sona, says he say him yesterday after school. But she doesn't know where he is now. I walk to the ORC room, it time to tell the others what happened. They should all be there by now. As I entered the club room everyone look to me. "We all here Rias." Akeno said, I was about to say something but Issei spock up. "Yeah, so why did you call us all here." I gave Issei a look for interrupting me, and I could see him sweat a bit from my glared. I walk over to my desk and put my hand draw that contains (Y/N)'s letter and rook piece. "Unfortunately Akeno, we are missing someone." I see as they have an confused look, I then pull out the letter and rook piece. "Uh Rias I don't ge-" Kiba was saying but I cut him off by yelling. "(Y/N), I'm talking about (Y/N) you know my other rook." There confused looks turned to that of shock. "But why did he leave?" Asia asked. "Because I made a deal with him. As long as he is never alone or forgotten that he will happily be in my peerage, but if ignore him or push him away, he will be free from us but keep the power's from the rook piece." I say with tears at the edge of my eyes. "And as you can see we forgot about him, about the man that was as loyal to me as you Akeno." I say as the tears are now falling down my face.

  The other are speckles, they all feeling different emotions but the man one is disappointed. Disappointed in themselves, just like me.

Author Note

That another chapter done, thank you all for taking your time to read this. I know I told a few of you I'd update this last weekend, but I got called into work unexpectedly, so sorry for the wait. Please let me know what you all think and have a wonderful day.

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