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Me:  Hi peeps, I am Jack Frost, and here with me is Elsa. Please ask us questions, tell us jokes, make remarks and dare us...

Elsa: No Jack! No dares! I don't want my dress mucked up!!!

Me: I am sorry Elsa (NOT!!! tehe), but we must impress the people. So,citizens of Errendale- or any other wierd place on earth- please comment a question or anything else you can think of that will muck up Elsa's dress...

Elsa: Oh shut up Jack!!!

Me: Take a seat, and ask/dare away!!!

In future comments, me and 'it' will answer your worries!!!...

Elsa: Jack! I am not an 'it', I am simply 'Elsa'!

Me: Yeah, yeah, whatever! BYE!!!

Ask Jelsa questions, dares and more!!!:-)Where stories live. Discover now