5 Terrible Anime Couples (& 5 Everyone Was Rooting For)

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1. (Terrible) Miroku And Sango From Inuyasha - For Inuyasha fans, this not liking this relationship could be considered a hot take. Miroku and Sango are both heroes who do a lot of good, but that does not necessarily mean that they are good for each other. Miroku is a character who plays as a pervert for comedy, and for some reason gets involved in a serious romance at the same time. Sango is constantly steaming with jealously as he flirts with every other woman they meet. He also constantly asks the same question, "Will you bear my children?" Well, that is very forward! We never really see Miroku change except for seeming a little more devote when he asks Sango to marry him. For an anime that is over one hundred episodes though, rooting for this relationship is hard.

2. (Rooting For) Takeo And Rinko From My Love Story!! - This romance anime is unique in that its male protagonist is typically the figure you expect out of a villain. However, he is a total sweetheart. Despite this, he has no luck in the dating scene. This is especially due to his pretty-boy best friend who every girl seems to have a crush on. Then the protagonist meets Rinko, a very small and cute girl who absolutely loves him. You have to be a monster to not cheer for this unlikely pairing. They may look different, but they are totally ga-ga over each other.

3. (Terrible) Light And Misa From Deathnote - It should be no mystery why Misa and Light are a terrible couple. First of all, the love is absolutely one-sided. Light is just using Misa for his own master plans. Misa is obsessed with Light to the point where she does not care for her own well being and lets him use her.

4. (Rooting For) Vegeta And Bulma From Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Ball Z is a far cry from a show that focuses on romance, but Bulma and Vegeta still happened. Despite starting out as a villain, Vegeta was a character who changed a whole lot and started to help protect the Earth with Goku and the others. He even settled down and started a family with Bulma. Bulma is not a fighter, but she is not afraid to stand up to Vegeta. He is definitely not the romantic type, but he does have little ways to show that he cares that keeps their relationship interesting to watch.

5. (Terrible) Sakura And Sasuke From Naruto - This pairing is kind of popular, which makes those who hate it despise it all the more. From the beginning of the show, Sakura has a crush on Sasuke. He displayed time and time again that he did not care about her or her feelings. The worst part was there was even a point at which Sasuke wanted to kill Sakura. Despite this, she still loved him

6. (Rooting For) Tomoya And Nagisa From Clannad - Tomoya is a high school boy with little cares. He is pretty dull and emotionless but Nagisa slowly breaks that shell and it is a delight to see Tomoya change. While Clannad is mostly focused on school life, the drama gets very heated in the sequel, After Story. We won't spoil anything, but Tomoya really gets emotional in a good way. Nagisa is very sweet, shy, and polite. Watching the two of them interact is adorable.

7. (Terrible) Erika And Kyouya From Wolf Girl And Black Prince - This anime has been criticized many times over about its relationship. It calls itself a romance anime and has a ton of fans who find it romantic, but it's actually kind of disturbing. Erika tricks her friends into believing she is dating a pretty man, Kyouya, from their school. He says that he will pretend to date her, as long as she is basically his pet and will do anything he says. So he is a total jerk to her and the show tries to make its audience like him despite how he treats her.

8. (Rooting For) Kyo And Tohru From Fruits Basket - Fans who read the manga are still waiting for the next season of Fruits Basket with great excitement. Already in the first season, we have seen Torhu witness Kyo's true form and love him all the same anyway. It was very sweet and if the show keeps following the manga as it has, there is more sweetness to come.

9. (Terrible) Sawa And Takao From The Flowers Of Evil - This is the least well-known anime on this list, mostly because the animation is pretty different and can be a little hard to get used to. Also, all the characters are unlikable. However, that seems to be the point in this show. Takao gets blackmailed by a rebellious and frightening girl from his class, and she makes him do some crazy stuff that is utterly embarrassing. However, the two start to have a romance. It seems to bud by the fact that they both hate society and just want to see it crumble. Overall, their relationship is actually kind of hard to watch.

10. (Rooting For) Haruhi And Tamaki From Ouran High School Host Club - This romantic comedy is a reverse harem. Haruhi is mistaken for a man and joins the local host club to pay off debt for breaking one of their vases. However, it is discovered that she is a girl and the host club decides to keep her as one of them and keep her identity secret. Tamaki, the leader of the group and the most popular host, begins to fall for Haruhi. It's very cute since they are both opposites. She comes from a poor family and cares little for rich things while he was raised in a mansion and always had everything he could want. Haruhi makes him think more, and he makes Haruhi have more fun.

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