The Lycan and The Seven Wolves*Ch. 2*(Embry Call Love Story)

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whooo hooo chapter 2!!! lol idk wat soo yea.  please vote and comment or even fan if you like. And hope u like this chapter^^

*~Chapter Two~*

I began waking up to the doors opening and closing. Knowing Tanner was awake by him yelling for Ethan. Wait...Ethan? Does that mean we're here? Wow it seems like not to long ago I closed my eyes, hmm. Slowly opening my eye, waiting for the suns rays to hit them, but nothing. Sitting up in my seat, I saw the sky was gray and I was surrounded by the green forest. Well at least I will defently will be able to stretch my legs. Hopping out of the truck, I saw my brothers playing around in front of a big two story house. The nicest one we had yet.

"Hey look, sleeping beauty is finally up." Smiled Damian

"Shut up Damian and get the stuff out of the car." I yawned

"Already out of the truck." Danny smirked lifting up the last box

"Oh well I get first pick of a room!" I yelled running into the house

I heard them shout and began to run after me. Going upstairs, I ran to the middle room and opened the door. It was perfect! The walls were a cream color and had a bed with purple blankets, and mostly a big screen tv. And to add to the room, it had its own bathroom. I already know which two of my brothers are going to pick the room beside me. Tanner and Chase, even though Chase is going to try to room with me. Not going to happen.

"Luna!" Yelled Donny from downstairs

"What?" I yelled back

"I yelled for you, that means come down here!" He yelled again

I rolled my eyes and went downstairs to see all my brothers standing in the living room. And Chase wasted no time at wraping his arms around my waist.

"What?" I asked

I watch Donny eyeing Chase's hands around my waist, like it was anything new. Then looked at me and saw I was a little annoyed.

"Well since you wanted to stretch your legs, I though before you do that. You might want to go to the beach, while me and the rest of the guys got the house ready." Donny said

I saw Tanner running and jumping up and down towards me.

"Mommy! This place has a beach! Can I go, please! PLEASE!" Tanner begged

I sighed dramaticaly and smiled, "Okay. go get your trunks Tanner, because were going swimming!" I yelled

Tanner screamed and jumped on me and then hugged my leg.

"Hey Ayden, do you mind looking though Tanner's stuff and find his swimming trunks?" I asked him

"As a matter of fact I do mind, but it a lot better then what the guys are doing." He Smirked

I laughed as my brothers hit him. Removing Chase's hands from my waist a began to walk up the stairs. Looking back at him and saw that he was pouting. Smiling I got my box with my clothes and swim suit in it, and changed. Coming back downstairs, I saw Tanner and Chase standing there in their swim trunks. I raised my eyebrow at them.

"Donny didn't want you to go alone. Guess they smelled leeches up in forks and doesn't want to take the chance." Said Chase

"I can very well take care of myself." I said pouting

"Don't do that. It's tempting." Chase said with a sly look on his face and walking towards me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Mommy, Daddy! Lets go!" Yelled Tanner

Chase and I looked over at him, and saw him standing outside tapping his foot, for us to hurry up. We laughed and went out the door. Chase ran at Tanner and put him on his shoulders.

"Come on Mommy." Tanner said holding out his little hand

"Yeah come on Mommy." Chase laughed

Running towards them, I grabbed Tanner's hand, and Chase's arm went around my waist...again. We all walked towards the beach, and everyone we went pass began to whisper. Us being werewolves, we heard every single word they said clearly.

'Aw look at the cute couple.'

'Aren't they a little young to have a kid?

'Honey why can't we be like them?'

'Wow they are hot!'

Chase was pretty much laughing at all the comments, but when he heard some of the guys, he would pull me closer to him. Walking though the little town we finally made it to the beach.

"BEACH! Down, I want down Daddy!" Tanner said excitedly

Chase put Tanner down and we watch him running towards the water. Grabbing Chase's hand, we began walking down the beach side.

"You think we could stay here longer than in Georgia. Tanner seems to love it here, and we only benn here a couple hours." I laughed

"Yeah he defently got attach to this place. And I do think we could stay here for a while. The people here are very welcoming." He said hugging and kissing the top of my head

At moments like this, I love having Chase around and not minding being his mate. Thats when I notice it was quiet. Too quiet, no sound of a happy little five year old boy.

soooo what do you think? And what happen to Tanner have to read the next chapter to find out.. By the way I was thinking of making a Daryl Dixon story starting from the thrid season cuz he my favorite character. Like to know what you guys think, if i should make one or not. Plus i hate that i have to wait till Feb. till it comes back on. :(

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