The Lycan and The Seven Wolves*Ch. 4*(Embry Call Love Story)

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Heres ch 4 of the Embry story. Pls vote and comment i like to kno wat u think^^ Pls n Thanx

Soon a woman walked up and smiled at us. She had three claw marks down the side of her face, but she was still beautiful. As Chase continue to stare at them,  I did the only thing I could do, smacked him. He can be so immature at times.

"Hello, would you like to meet everybody? Oh I'm Emily Young by the way, Claire's aunt." She said

"Oh hi, I'm Luna Wirth and this is Chase." I said

"Nice to meet you, please come down we have lots of food. And I like meeting new people. We dont get many new people that often." Emily smiled

"Food!? Oh yeah we be down there!" Yelled Chase

I watch Chase start to run towards the fire with the group of people. Men always thinking with their stomachs. I laughed and sighed a little, then turn towards Emily.

"Men..." I laughed

"Yeah at least you only have to deal with one." She said

"Thats what you think." I muttered as we started to walk

All of a sudden Chase was running towards us with an empty plate in his hand, looking like he's ready for mabe fifths.

"Oh my god! The awsome. Come on and eat Luna. Plus the best thing is the food is free!" He screamed

"He's like kid a in a candy stores." I said

Chase pouted and took my hand, "Come on."

He started to drag me down to bon fire. I heard Emily laughing and walking behind us. Arriving I looked around at everybody, look like your normal werewolf shape-shifter. Except one of the girls and of course Claire and Emily.

"Ok you guys. This is Chase and Luna Wirth. And these are the guys. Use your manners and introduce yourselves." Said Emily

Chase put his arm around my waist when all the guys looked at us...well mostly me. Damn werewolf gentics.

"I'll introduce them. You know how lazy ther are." A guy said to Emily

"Guess your right Sam." Emily said kissing his cheek

"Hey!" The other guys yelled

Sam laughed, "I'm Sam Uley. Going from my left and around Jared and his girlfriend Kim,Paul, Seth and his sister Leah, and Quil. There are two other, but they are coming a little later.

"Um hi." I said

"Mommy!" Yelled Tanner out of nowhere and jumping into my arms

"Hi there Tanner." I laughed

"Mommy?" Asked Quil

All of a sudden Quil got hit in the back of the head.

"Ow Paul That hurt you know and everyone was wondering." Said Quil

"Shut up Quil! So is it just you, Chase and Tanner?" Asked Kim

I laughed a little watching Quil mocking Kim while she was talking, then remembered I was asked question

"Well no, just them and my brothers, Tanner and Chase are my brother/son. I guess you can say." I said

"Huh?" They all said

"Its..uh long and complicated story." I laughed a little.

A sudden bark like howl sound came beside us, two figures formed in the shadows of the woods.

Wonder who that could be dun dun dunnn lol.

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