1 - The First and Last Concert

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L/N Y/N and Shoyo Hinata had arrived at their first music festival of their middle school career

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L/N Y/N and Shoyo Hinata had arrived at their first music festival of their middle school career. They had pushed for a band program since the start of middle school. It wasn't until they managed to convince more kids to push for a band were they able to make their dream a reality. They were the top musicians in their school and they wanted to continue being the best.


Hinata was riding his bicycle through the shopping district in his town when he stopped in front of a television store. What he saw on the screen amazed him. It was the DCI Championships. Just as he was about to turn away a trumpet soloist took the lead. The soloist was playing "The Great Gig In The Sky" by Pink Floyd.

Just then Y/N rode up on their own bike behind him. Then he looked at the tv and was also mesmerized. Not of the soloist. But of the rest of the band. Their movement was synchronized. The music they produced behind the solo was unlike anything he had heard before. Hinata turned around to Y/N as he pointed to the screen, "I AM GOING TO BE HIM!!" Y/N chuckled at his friend and said, "Come on we're gonna be late dork."

{Flashback End}

Y/N grabbed Hinata from behind as boys in suits passed in front of them. "You have to watch where you're going Hinata! You almost bumped into one of those high schoolers." Hinata laughed and said, "Silly Y/N! This is a middle school only festival..." He trailed off on those last syllables. Suddenly he hunched over. Hinata lowly grumbled and walked to the bathroom. Y/N sighed realizing they competing with the more well-dressed school. On one of the instrument cases, they read to themselves. "Kitagawa Daiichi...? We'll be fine! After all, we have Hinata." Y/N spoke to himself almost barely audible. One of the boys in the suits turned to them and said, "What are you doing here anyway? Some of us are here to compete, not make memories you know." Y/N felt a sudden burst of anger. All that they worked for was just underestimated. They stood up straight, "We're here to compete as well so don't underestimate us!" Another boy in a suit tapped on the boy, who angered Y/N, shoulder and said "Kageyama-kun we have to warm up now..." They boy Y/N who figured out they were talking to Kageyama said, "Don't make it sound easy. Most of us have been working for years to make it." Y/N growled and said, "We've been working hard for years as well. We will get superior and win this festival." Kageyama started to walk away as he said, "Oh please you're not even in concert attire."

Y/N looked down to see the badly printed music club shirt, black jeans, and torn shoes. He was right but he still felt the need to tell him off. Just then they felt Hinata's hand on their shoulder. Hinata called out to Kageyama, "BAND ISN'T ABOUT HOW YOU DRESS IT'S ABOUT HOW YOU PLAY!!" Kageyama stopped in his tracks and turned to face the two smaller musicians. "

This festival, to the next, to semi-finals, to the National Middle School Festival. I will win superior in all of them." Kageyama turned away and walked with the rest of his school to their warm-up room.

Y/N took Hinata's hand and started walking him to the rest of their group, "Come on, we have to warm up now." They could lightly hear Kageyama's ensemble from their warm-up room and shuddered. Hinata smiled brightly to the rest of his ensemble and said, "Hey don't mind them! Come on let's warm-up!"


Kitagawa Daiichi took to the stage first. Y/N noticed Kageyama from the left side of the stage. 'So he also plays Baritone..' Y/N thought to himself. Hinata held his trumpet close to his chest tightly as he watched them from behind the curtain. The ensemble was amazing. All of them in tune. Not one squeak from any of the woodwinds. No brass player played out of turn. The percussionists were all in time. They were perfect. Hinata turned to Y/N and said, "Let's not go down without a fight."


Hinata and Y/N looked at the school counselor. Hinata looked puzzled and said, "What do you mean we're the only members of the band?" The counselor smiled and said, "Oh well. It's been years since we actually had a band. We can put you two in strings if you want to pursue music so badly!" Y/N smiled politely and said, "No thank you! We'll stay in band until we can convince more kids to join."

Hinata and Y/N waited for the string players to exit the music room. Once the last one left they both rushed in with their instruments they bought from a pawn shop. Y/N opened the music books they bought from the music shop. "It says that pressing these will make a sound...?" Y/N shyly pressed down the keys on their baritone and blew into it. No sound but wind came out. Hinata chuckled and said, "You have to buzz like this on the mouth thingy." Hinata buzzed on his trumpet mouthpiece. Y/N stared in awe as they tried the same on their instrument. A poorly played note came out. Hinata had stars in his eyes. "YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT Y/N!"

{Flashback End}

Y/N began to worry since they were after the near-perfect ensemble. Then the last note ended. "Oh no oh no oh no..." Y/N muttered to themselves. Hinata motioned to the rest of his ensemble to follow him on stage for set up. Compared to Kitagawa Daiichi they looked and sounded terrible. The instruments were all some sort of beat up. They were in tune but only to their respective sections. The percussionists were all over the place. Y/N could see Hinata's spirit fall slightly from behind him.

After they finished playing they gathered all their things and scurried to the right side of the stage to put away their instruments. The two ensembles headed to the lobby of the concert hall. Hinata was smiling and laughing until he saw the rating his ensemble got. Others cheered. "Wow! A good! That's so cool!" Y/N looked at the ground as tears fell. "No. A good isn't what we needed. We needed a unanimous superior."

Hinata was crying as well. All his work. For the past three years. It felt like a waste. Meanwhile, the boys from Kitagawa Daiichi were celebrating and cheering, "UNANIMOUS SUPERIOR!! LET'S GO!!" Hinata walked up to Kageyama and said, "You... if you're the best here.. Then I'll just have to get a higher score than you!" Kageyama turned to him and said coldly, "The ones who get unanimous superior are the winners. Only the best get that score. If you even want to dream of getting that score then practice more." Kageyama walked to his bus with the rest of his ensemble.

Hinata turned to his ensemble and said, "Thank you for believing in yourself today guys." Y/N wiped their tears and said, "We're your friends, we had to support you. Don't thank us!" The rest of the ensemble bowed and went to the busses. Hinata and Y/N stayed to talk about how they can practice over the summer.

Just then, three high schoolers walked up to the duo. One with grey hair. Another with dark brown hair. The third had a shaved head and looked like a delinquent. The one with the grey hair handed Y/N a flyer. "I'm Koshi Sugawara. We'd love to have you two join our marching band." Hinata saw their jackets as the three turned and left.

"Crow Regiment..?" Y/N saw they were having a summer program on the flyer. "Hinata... this is from Kurasuno!!" Hinata felt a gust of wind. "You mean the school the soloist from the DCI show three years ago!!?!" Y/N nodded excitedly. "Crow Regiment here we come!" Hinata said with a bright smile on his face.

Ever since that day Hinata and Y/N worked to be the best musicians they could be.

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