I Fell In Love With The Villain ~ 50

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I choke on the air I was breathing in, "Excuse me?"

"Yeah," Ryan shrugs, "I thought you and Seb got back together."

"We are still together. There is nothing between Cade and me," I shake my head, unbelievable.

"Oh. Right," Ryan says and we continue to walk in silence.

I was getting tired already, just a tiny bit longer and I could stop for lunch and talk to Seb.

It didn't help that my feet were stinging in pain. I must have gotten the wrong socks or something because blisters were beginning to form on the bottom of my feet.

He turned at looked at me, limping slightly "Are you good?" He asks, "I can get the rest of the group to sto-"

"It's fine," I interrupt, "It's just blisters. I'll check them out when we stop for lunch."

We kept walking for a while, all of us had stopped talking and were focusing on just getting to the next stop so we could eat.

I was starting to regret even agreeing to come on this trip, I mean really? Why would I think it would be a good idea? Did I really think that walking all day every day in the cold with a group of grumpy teens would be a good time?

I really must be going delusional.

"Welcome, welcome!" The poor teacher who decided to tag along on our trip says, "Are we all ready for lunch?"

There was a chorus of low grunts coming from the hungry students.

She continues, "Well. You have an hour before we set off again. Off you go."

With that, we all dug into our bags to find the lunches we had all packed.

I look over at Steph who is sitting with Britney on a stray log on the floor. She's digging into a sandwich whilst chatting easily with a group of girls who I vaguely recognized. She looked happy, smiling but her eyes were sunken, slightly dull. She looked hurt. Seeing her hurt sent a pang of regret and guilt through my heart.

A hand presses down on my shoulder, "Miss me?" Seb placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I miss my bed more," I slump down to sit on top of my backpack, "My feet are killing me."

Seb crouches beside me, taking a bite of an apple, "Take your boots off."

"Okay, but now is the time to admit to me you have a foot fetish," I laugh, "You know before I do take my shoes off."

"I can confirm, no foot fetishes here," he chuckles as he unties my boots.

"Good, good," I smile, looking around me at the group of hungry students devouring their food.

As I continue scanning the faces I have known for years as Seb patches up my blisters, my eyes keep returning to one flash of dull indigo that seems to be staring straight at me.

Cade sits alone, feet resting on a random bag on the floor. He has his eyes wide open staring at the clouds. He doesn't seem to be eating anything.

"Well, I've gotta get back to my group over there," he points to a circle of people on the ground, munching on various different items of food, "I'll meet you at the campsite."

He walks off, planting a kiss on my cheek, and once again I am alone. And once again, my eyes are drawn back to Cade, but this time his eyes weren't pointed to the sky they were pointed at me.

Instead of looking away, as I expected him to, his gaze remained on me, and mine on him. We were stuck in a competition, each of us too stubborn to look away.

After a long while of staring, I decide to get up and walk towards him, a sandwich in my hand. His stare remains but looks more curious as I approach him.

"Hi," I say.

"Hi," he says.

I hand him the sandwich in my hand, "Eat," I say.

"Is this some kind of apology?" He quirks a brow at me but accepts the sandwich.

I roll my eyes at him, "Shut up, just eat it."

He picks at the foil surrounding it, peeling it back. He then proceeds to prod the sandwich as I remain standing above him.

"I accept the apology," he finally decides, then takes a large bite out of the food.

It was not an apology. More like a peace offering.

Satisfied, I turn on my heels and start to return to my own log, but Cade's voice stops me, "You don't have to go back and sit there all alone, you know. You can just sit with me."

I huff but agree. Plonking myself down next to Cade who was peeling a slice of tomato out of the sandwich and throwing it on the floor, I take a bite out of an apple.

"How was the walk?" He asked.

"Bad," I grunt, "You?"

"Bad," he agrees.


We're me and Cade actually having a civilized conversation without yelling at each other? Never in a million years did I think this would happen.

"You got anything else in there?" He points to the bag contains my lunch.

I pick up the bag and throw it on his lap, "Does nobody feed you in that big mansion?"

"They do, I just wasn't there to collect the lunch mommy dearest made me," he says, chuckling to himself.

I nudge his side, "Hey! My mom didn't make this for me, I did. I'm a big girl now," I scowl at him jokingly, "What do you mean you weren't there to pick it up?"

"Henry. He keeps me busy," Cade explains taking a bite out of my Twix.

I grab the bar from his hand and whack his hand, "Don't touch my Twix!" I bite into the chocolate as Cade just shakes his head by my side.

"I should have remembered," he laughs, "You don't share your food, do you?"

"Shut up," I hit the back of his head, and pass the candy bar back to him.

He was right. I didn't share food.

Maybe I was just feeling nice today.


So yeah. It's been months.
What do I say on these again? Oh yeah.
Hey guys! I was in an online class and I was thinking about writing and it just sparked in my brain how much I love and miss all of the characters from this story so I had to start writing it again for all of you who are still around to read. To those of you who are, thank you. I love you all so much.
Lots of love xx

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