Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Jenny Hamilton. I'm a normal 17 year old. I'm very insecure about my self. I dream, a lot. I get crushes, mainly celebrity crushes. I'm into things like art, drama and music. Definitely music. I've been in the school choir since forever. I love singing and I'm not bragging but, I'm kinda good. I won the talent show 2 times for singing. I live in Australia, Sydney with my 2 year old brother, Daniel; My already 19 year old sister, Nour, and my parents. I'm a dual nationality; I'm half Australian and half British. My parents were both born and brought up in England but my siblings and I were born in Australia. Lived here ever since. It's kinda weird how we have Aussie accents and they sound like the queen of England. Okay so my birthday is on the 6th of March which is... IN A WEEK. And I'm turning 18. The big ONE EIGHT, as my dad says. It needs to be massive. Here in Australia people throw pretty hectic parties so this one needs to be the bomb of the century. Monica, my bff, is helping me plan it. We're thinking of throwing it at a beach. It's the middle of spring so I guess it could work. Food is probably gonna be like pizza and nando's or something. My two favorite foods! Woooooh. I can't wait. So I'm gonna quickly get changed and head over to Monica's house. I quickly throw on my J Wills hoodie, converse, skinnies and put my long brown hair into a messy bun. I grab my iPhone and some headphones and run down the stairs "I'm going to Monica's, mom! See you later!" I yell, "Don't you want some breakfast?" she replied, "Nah I'm good! If I get hungry I'll stop by starbucks" "Okay, don't stay too long!". So I run out the door and begin jogging, It's like 8:15am, I jog when I'm excited plus I love staying in shape and maintaining a healthy body. I've got wavy long brown hair, freckles and green eyes. Me and my sister, Nour, don't look too much alike. Nour's a gorgeous brunette truthfully, with really big clear hazel eyes; she always gets the guys, she's the pretty one in the family who can be crazy sometimes. Especially when these songs are played by her favorite band, One Direction, she just freezes, drops everything and singing and dancing like a total idiot, haha, it's really funny the looks she gets from some people, but some people join her! There are a whole lot of directioner's here in Australia, to tell the truth I'm a little on myself. Okay, big lie, I'm a massive directioner. I spend ages on twitter stalking those 5 homosexuals, tracking where they are, watching their videos on youtube and singing to their songs. But I know my sister is a bigger directioner than me, she's always gossiping with her friends about them. She's kinda infected me with them. I love my sister though, I tell her everything! ANYWAY back to my jogging. I grab my iPhone, put my headphones in my ears, and put on a tune. It doesn't take long to arrive at Monica's depending on that we only live 10 minutes apart. Monica greets me with a bear hug after I ring the doorbell. Monica looks amazing today, well as always. Her short brown hair is down and naturally flowing when she moves, she has a bright smile and deep green eyes. She's so pretty. It kinda sucks having an amazingly pretty sister and gorgeous best friend. I'm so insecure.

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