Chapter 36

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Ariel ran quickly heading to her room but she bumped into Marquis Rane.
▶MR: "Lady Ariel! Are you alright?! What's wrong?!"
Marquis Rane helped Ariel to stand up. Then he saw Ariel's red face.
▶MR: "Lady Ariel, do you a fever ?!"
Ariel touched her face.
▶Ariel: "No, hooh~ I think because I'm moving around so much. The weather is hot don't you think so?! Hehe," said Ariel with an awkward smile.
▶MR: "Is that so?! Still please be careful not to get sick." Ariel nodded her head.
▶MR: "Oh! By the way, Lidia has assigned herself to be your maid of honor. She is in your room by now I think. And the rest Lidia will inform you."
▶Ariel: "I see, thank you so much."
Marquis Rane bowed and walked past Ariel.
Ariel sighed. Then she immediately headed towards her room to meet Lidia.
When Ariel opened the door Lidia jumped to her and hugged her tightly.
▶Lidia: "OMG! Ariel~  I missed you~"
▶Ariel: "Lidia I missed you too, but could you please calm down?"
Lidia stepped back then she realized something. Lidia sniffed closer to Ariel and realized that Ariel smells like Alix's perfume.
▶Lidia: "Ariel, did you meet Alix?"
Ariel walked past Lidia knowing that she smells like Alix's perfume.
▶Ariel: "Yes, I met him by chance. We talked a little." Smiled Ariel awkwardly.
▶Lidia: "Talked?! You mean argue don't you?! I really do feel like telling him and make him open his eyes widely to see you of who you are."
▶Ariel: "Well, it's better not to do or else there will be more misunderstanding. Besides I understand how he feels I don't blame him. If the same thing happened to my brother I would react the same way."
Lidia sighed and offered Ariel to help her in changing her dress. Ariel agreed.
Marquis Rane spotted Alix. Marquis Rane walked towards Alix and noticed his red face.
▶MR: "Alix why your face is this red?!"
▶Alix"... Maybe because I walked a lot."
▶MR: "........ Is that so?! Anyway I wanted to tell you that Lidia has assigned herself as Lady Ariel's maid of honor She told me to tell you that that's her decision and she is not taking permission from you."
▶Alix: "... She is your wife you take care of her."
Alix and Marquis Rane were walking when they suddenly bumped into the crown prince Kal.
They bowed and greeted him.
▶PK: "Oh! Alix! I heard that you've come back. Welcome back home, and congratulations on becoming the Duke."
Alix didn't answer the crown prince Kal. He didn't want to have any conversation with him.
▶PK: "Alix, I know that it hasn't been long since Alin passed away, but I wanted to get married to Ariel before I lose her. Please understand."
Alix clenched his hand then released it.
▶Alix: "I don't care what you are doing. I have no interest and It's not my business. Now excuse me."
Alix walked past the crown prince Kal. Marquis Rane bowed to Prince Kal and followed Alix.
Bency came into Ariel's room to inform her after she finished checking the invitation list and other wedding preparations.
At that time Ariel was having her tea with Lidia when Bency came to inform her. After Bency has done with her report, Ariel gave her a golden necklace to reward her. Ariel also gave her a dress to wear to the wedding day. Bency's eyes shone and her smile was brighter than ever. After rewarding Bency Ariel introduced Bency to Lidia as her maid of honor and told her to follow Lady Lidia well. Bency bowed and greeted Lidia with respect and introduced herself. After that Ariel asked Bency to tidy up the gifts that she received from the nobles in the other room.
Lidia put her teacup down remembering what Rane told her to inform Ariel.
▶Lidia: "Oh! Right, I almost forgot. Rane said the man is ready when would like it to start."
Lidia talked in a secretive low voice.
▶Ariel: "Let's start 2 months after the wedding." Lidia nodded her head.
Knock×3 Ariel and Lidia turned to the door, then looked at each other. Bency went to open the door when she found dozens of red roses and new dresses and jewelry.
▶👤: "It's gifts from the 1st Prince congratulating Lady Ariel for becoming the crown princes and welcoming her to the royal family. "
The man moved all the gifts inside Ariel's room. It was just too much for a congratulate gift besides the red roses...
▶Ariel: "Please send my gratitude to the 1st prince and his princess and tell them that I'm going to visit them with the crown prince very soon to show our gratitude."
The man bowed down to Ariel and stepped outside.
Afterward, another person knocked on the door. Bency opened it and saw a maid handing Bency a letter from Baron Miller.
Bency handed it to Ariel and went back to her work. Ariel looked at the sender then she put the letter down.
▶Lidia: "Ariel, what's wrong? You won't open it?!"
▶Ariel: "You can open and read it in my stead if you want, but I already know what do they want."
Lidia looked at Ariel then at the letter which was placed on the table curiously.
▶Lidia: "Then I'll open it!" Ariel nodded her head and reached for the teacup.
Dear, Ariel
How are you doing? I heard the news about your wedding and I'm very surprised and happy.
I hope that you are not angry at us for leaving you behind. We have done that for your sake you know that right?! So that you could correct your mistake and all.
If you could talk to the crown prince to talk to Duke Alix or something. And we would love to attend your wedding. I can't believe my daughter has become this great. And if you may consider taking your sister Carney as your maid of honor. I'm sure she would be a good help for you in the future. After all, no one could love and care for you except your family.
Oh! And if you could tell the crown prince to send a carriage to us we have been so much and we have suffered a lot. See! That's why we did not take you with us. We were afraid that you would suffer with us.
Arthur also misses you so much he has been crying day and night for you. Don't you miss him?!
Hope to hear from you as soon as possible.
From your loved family.
▶Lidia: "Are you kidding me?! They left you alone here?! What kind of family is this?! And now that you are about to become the crown princess they come to you! Ariel! What are you going to do?! Don't tell me you are going to do what they have told you? "
▶Ariel: "Of course not. I already sent a letter to the triplets. I told them to look for someone else to work in their place and come with Arthur. I already prepared everything. I have built a house somewhere not far from the castle but not near."
▶Lidia: "Not far but not near?....!! Is it in the forest behind the palace??!! "
▶Ariel: "Yes, there is a river there and lots of fruits and other food sources. Besides Arthur can train there with the triplets. And I could go and check on them from time to time."
▶Lidia: "That's impressive. That's a good idea!"
▶Ariel: "By the way Lidia! You registered a fake name right?! "
▶Lidia: "Yes, don't worry I registered as Lidia Somanso."
Ariel nodded her head.

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