Chapter 2: Tears in the Night

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Yo guys! I'm back with another chapter! The first chapter went pretty well, and I was wondering who do you guys think I should pair Shiki with. The pairing is optional, I've already decided, but IF you can convince me, I might change it.

Thanks for reviewing! I am not worthy! Also, it seem the word 'Bro fist' are not too popular, so, I will minimalist it for story sake, they will say it, but rarely. Anyway, on to the story!

By the way, this chapter is original, and there are side oc's, this is a 'filler chapter' of how Shiki and Kirito can become what they are at the volume 2 in the anime, so no Asuna in this chapter... sorry.


"Hyah!" A gray wolf was cut into two as it disappeared. "There we go..." Shiki mumbled as he crouched to take a fang the wolf left. "That's three..."

He then sheathed his sword and looked around. "Seems like that was all of them...for now at least."

'Ping' A ping like sound got his attention.

'You have a new message'

Shiki opened the mail.

Shik, I'm done here, what about you?


Shiki opened his reply menu as he type his answer.

Done, let's meet up at the village.


"Alright, let's get moving!" Shiki nodded, as he ran towards the village area.


Floor 1: Kokoto Village

Its been a couple of days since the event where Akihiko's announcement took place, the chaos had subsided... a little. Right now, Kirito and Shiki were powering up by doing quests and buying better equipment in the village, where at the moment, only had few players, which was a good thing, the village was small, few buildings, one inn, one blacksmith, one item shop, and a quest shop. But... there was slight problem...

"Here you go, three wild wolf fangs for your sick mother."

"Ah! Thanks Mr! Uhm... its not much, but here's your payment." A little girl with red dress said, as she handed Shiki a small bag of coins.

The redhead stared at the bag, and then he smiled and patted the girl's head. "Nah, its okay Claire, you keep it."

The little girl, Claire, looked surprised. "B-but my mother said-"

Shiki silenced her by patting her head again. "Its okay, you can use the coins for your mother, beside, your smile is rewarding enough. So, let me be selfish and see it." He told her as he smiled.

The girl looked even more surprised at Shiki. Then she looked down, before giving him her biggest smile. "Thank's Mr!" The girl said as she ran towards her home, her smile still on her face.

"At it again huh?" A voice spoke up as Shiki turned around to see Kirito walking up to him. "That's the third time you didn't accept payment."

"Oh... hey Ki."

"You know, we can't buy good equipment if we keep saying no to the quest reward. I mean, why would the game create a no option to a quest reward?"

Shiki chuckled. "Yeah... you maybe right... But, every good deeds we do shall be returned ten fold, I'm sure of it!" He said determined.

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