Chapter 15

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When I open my eyes again, the world feels different. The pain is gone as if It never happened. For it being night out it sure seems brighter than before. Even the silence is louder, I can hear every breath, every sob, every gasp and more.

Franklin, my asshole father, leans over me, his eyes analyzing me. He says nothing but offers me his hand. I look at him, pulling my eyebrows together. Seriously? I ignore his offer and stand up without his help. Every bone of mine is sore and stiff. I stretch my legs, my arms, my back and my neck, I hear every single one of them crack. It's so satisfying. I brush off my knees from the fall. Somebody get me out of this horrid dress, why did I even go through with this?

I look around, everyone seems to be a good distance away from us. Max is off the ground and he isn't crying as hard anymore. Thank god. I look up at the moon, closing my eyes and taking a breath. I can hear the thousands of heart beats near me, the blood moving through their bodies, the air reaching their lungs. Hunger grows within me. I'm sure someone wouldn't mind. Nor could they stop me to be honest.

"Zapphire." Franklin's voice is much louder than I expect since he is so close. "How do you feel?" He seems interested in me. Of course he does, he thinks I'm his creation but I am so much more.

"Amazing." I curl my fingers into a fist. It's true, I feel stronger than ever like I could do anything. All of my wolf instincts are heightened, I feel more powerful than any werewolf to exist. All I want to do is eat and kill. I am the monster they all fear. With my hand in fist I grin at my father. He grins back not even realizing what I am about to do. I take a quick swing at him, punching him straight in the jaw. He almost falls and grabs where I hit him. I look over my hand. Surprisingly that didn't hurt as much as it had before but felt just as good.

I hear movement behind me, and I turn quickly, seeing the witches moving towards me. They're not taking this away from me. I know what they want, they want to kill me but that's not happening. I'll kill them before they can even get a swing on me. "Don't even think about it." I growl, the noise so low only wolves could hear it.

"You and I need to have some talks." Franklin says and places his hand on my shoulder. When I feel his hand touch me I swing around grabbing his hand and twisting it. With no effort I pop his arm, probably breaking it. Nothing has ever been this easy before. I love it.

I let go of his arm and smirk looking at my hand. How strong am I now? Franklin laughs it off and pops his arm back, his wolf healing probably healing it almost immediately. The witches don't move.

I see his pack behind him and lick my fangs, I really need some food, I feel as if I haven't eaten in weeks.. I eyeball everyone, picking my target. "Let's not do that just yet." Franklin seems to notice what I'm thinking and it is making him nervous.

I don't need to listen to him. I lunge at someone in the front, growling, ready to take them down. but Franklin pushes me, causing me to fall on my butt. Of course he wouldn't let me. I stare up at him, growling, making sure he knows he does not want to mess with me. "Easy there killer. You can wait."

"Zapphire?" His voice calls out to me. Even my father throws his arms out in annoyance. He's not going to give up is he?

I turn my head looking at Max and Molly. His face is pink and puffy but thankfully he isn't crying anymore. I'm tired of the tears, what's the point? Deal with it and move on, easy. "Yes?" I stand up and wipe my legs off yet again. No doubt that there is probably a dirt stain on my butt too.

"You can't listen to Franklin." Max states, "Listen to me. Fight this."

I laugh at him. This is truly pathetic, really it is. "Come on Max. Didn't I tell you to let me go? How about you do that and listen to me for once." I watch my words hurt him and it doesn't bother me because I feel nothing. I am numb.

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