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I set the lilies on the grass next to the stone and crouch down. This has become my weekly routine and my get away. "Hey mom." I say running my fingers over her name. Wendy Daniel.

Once my family pack joined my now new pack Max and I had a lot on our plates. We started buying extra food and helping those get new homes. The two territories became ours and other packs didn't hesitate to help either. Together we managed to get meat on the bones of most of our people, kids have started to play and laugh, and the sick are being treated and healed with the help of Sarah.

Once all of that settled down, Max helped me find a place for my mother to finally rest. Shawn and I never could get our father to admit where he buried our mother but even years later that didn't stop us from giving her an official funeral and a headstone.

Now in her own private area, in a green room like area, my mother finally got her own stone and I hope she can find peace again. Max bought this area a long time ago, he's own parents actually rest in the same kind of building in the same graveyard.

All the flowers growing around her stone are of her favorite colors, Purple and yellow, and I always make sure to bring her favorite flowers, Lilies.

"A strong, loving mother." Is all that is written under her name. And she was one damn good mother.

Behind me I hear the door open and it doesn't take long for me to know who's coming in.

"Mommy!" Two squeaky voices squeal in unison. My two beautiful baby girls jump into my arms.

Max follows behind with a picnic basket and a blanket. He kisses my forehead, "Hey darling." I look at him slightly puzzled. The girls have never been here. "I thought it would be time for them to see. To meet her." He mumbles as if reading my mind, then sits next to me.

Alexandra sits in my lap with her little arms wrapped around my neck. Max and I were blessed with two amazing little girls that are only two years apart. Alexandra or Lexa, is our oldest, she just turned nine. Both girls were born with their fathers brown hair, but Lexa was blessed with gorgeous green eyes like her grandmother. While Ally, our seven year old got her father's hazel eyes.

Because Lexa was born with my mother's eyes, I made her middle name Wendy in honor of her. Alexandra Wendy Linne. I remember Max's smile when we officially agreed on the name. He couldn't be happier with it. I of course let him pick our second child's name, which he went with Ally Sophia Linne. Funny thing is Ally is definitely a daddy's girl while Lexa is more of a mommy's girl. Ally easily takes her seat in her father's arms as expected.

"Whose Wendy, Mom?" Lexa asks me, looking over at her stone.

I smile, "Girls, I want you to meet your grandmother." I'm not sure how they will react, they won't understand now but they will one day. I close my eyes as the silence falls on our shoulders.

"Hi grandma!" Our little girl, Ally speaks up and waves at the gravestone. I smile and my heart warms. She is so innocent and pure. I love my girls.

"She is who made your mother the woman she is now." Max speaks up and squeezes Ally's little body. He is right, that is true. Without that picture of us, I would have never grown up to be brave and strong, just like she was.

"I came here to visit her and today she finally gets to meet her beautiful, spoiled granddaughters." They both let out adorable giggles.

Tears form in my eyes but I hold them back not wanting the girls to see. Max does, and he grabs my hand, squeezing it for comfort. Mother would love the girls. They are growing to one day be wonderful, powerful and strong girls and I can already tell. That's all mom ever wanted for Shawn and I. "Is that you mommy?" Alexandra asks me pointing at the framed photo I have of us. I used to carry it around with me all the time but now it stays here with her where it deserves to be.

"Yes it is sweetheart."

As I and the girls speak, talking about my mother and the flowers and other random things the girls decide to bring up, Max sets out the blanket. He begins to bring out some food he packed in the basket as well. "Girls, we can continue to talk but let's eat okay?" Max tells them. They don't hesitate to leave my lap and rush for the food.

Lexa in her cute pink skirt makes sure to tuck it under her butt before sitting down and Ally sits at her side. Max and I join them on the blanket. As we eat into our sandwiches and different fruits, Ally looks over at me analyzing my shoulder. "What is on your arm Mommy?"

I lock eyes with Max and he nods his head. Just before I got pregnant with Lexa, I decided to go to Elli and Ammie for some help with my rogue branding. Fortunately they were able to use some magic to make a new mark to cover it. With some suggestions, Ammie came up with a witch symbol.

How she came up with it or where she got it is unknown but I love the meaning and I love the symbol so we did it. It looks like a tattoo. Now usually I wear shirts to cover it so the girls don't see it but today is an extra hot day and I wore a tank top. I, of course, also did not know Max and the girls would be here today at mother's grave. "It is a symbol little one. It means Love beats All." Through the ups and downs, the blood and tears and everything else, the love Max and I shared is what pulled us through it all.

Ally smiles and runs her little fingers over the symbol. Lexa speaks up to ask, "Why did you get it?"

Max and I exchange glances. How do you explain such a traumatic, yet life changing story to a child? Maybe it is time the girls deserve to know our story. If it wasn't for what happened all those years ago, I may have not been here now. "Would you like to hear our pack history story?" The girls yelp in excitement just at the idea of hearing a story. They get comfortable in their spots, preparing for this story.

This will be the story that all the kids will hear. A story that will be passed down through generations of our pack members. The very story of how the Silver Hollow pack became the kind of pack it is now.

How I became who I am now. 

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