14 Nervous

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"Hey, Lin," (Y/n) says softly as she opens the door to her apartment, Lin on the other side with takeout.

"Hey yourself, what's gotten you so glum you wanted Thai food close to midnight on a weekday?"

"Anxiety? Nerves? I've got the rest of the week off anyway to defend my dissertation, they've read it and all that but I've got to defend my research and I'm terrified."

"That's why this floor is covered in papers? (Y/n/n), you've got this, your dissertation is amazing and incredible!""You finally read it didn't you?" she asks him, having known he was busy, so trying to read a 168-page dissertation was something not everyone would want to spend their time doing.

"Of course, I mean it took a couple of days, it was rather long, but it was great! I enjoyed it,"

"Please don't write a musical based on it though, please," (Y/n) begs, shaking her head.

"Well...I mean..." Lin says before grinning at her panicked face, "Kidding, I wasn't inspired to write a musical about it. Doesn't mean someone won't, Women's suffrage deserves more credit,"

"I know, hence why I chose that as my topic. Now, can we eat?" she asks leaning a bit to grab the food.

"Course, but you better know we're watching The Little Mermaid as well, can't have take-out and not watch something."

(Y/n) laughed a bit, "Of course, you're pushing it to try and move Mulan out as my favorite with how much we watch The Little Mermaid,"

"Then my evil plot is working!" he teases.

"We'll see. Thank you though, for coming here, I know you're tired from doing the show,"

"Hey, I'd drop anything to be here with you, and if it helps relieve a panic and anxiety before a big day then I'd do it every time," Lin says moving to grip her hand.

(Y/n) knew her cheeks were heating up as she turned to the screen, but didn't let go of his hand.

When she didn't recoil a smile formed on Lin's face, maybe just maybe things would work out.

A Book Started This Whole Thing (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now