37 I Miss You

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"Betsy no, I got to get the call..." (Y/n) says as she tried getting the pup to sit down with her. Giving up and answering the call before scurrying to lift the terrier pup up into her lap she gives Lin a sheepish smile. "Hi...Betsy and I miss you!"

"I can see that love," Lin says, sticking with his accent making (Y/n) crinkle her nose.

"No thank you, please use your regular voice...not Jack's voice...as weird as that is," (Y/n) says with a small pout.

"Okay okay, sorry, I try to stick with the accent as much as I can, keeps me in character."

"I know, and it's a great idea, but I just like you're regular voice, not the posh British one," she says softly. "I just wanna hug you and you're all the way across the ocean," she says with a sigh.

"I know, I want you here in my arms, but It'll be worth the wait," Lin points out as Betsy seemingly grew tired of her human parents talking and moved to chew at a toy.

"We're still on for Valentine's? I've got a bottle of wine ready for myself..." (Y/n) muses. "Wish I could drink the whole thing, but it's a Tuesday and I do not need a hangover for school,"

"I know, But there will be something for you, I promise, even if we're an ocean away I'm going to give you a great Valentine's day. And then when you're here for Spring Break I'm going to take you out and we'll have a great date night!"

"I can't wait Mr.Miranda," (Y/n) muses her eyes sparkling. "Now tell me about the set, does it look like the original movie?"

Lin's eyes lit up as he starts going into detail about everything, seeing as he knew (Y/n) would keep it a secret.

As it got later on Lin's end she could tell he was struggling to stay awake, "Honey you should sleep...it's late there, I can manage." (Y/n) says softly to him.

"I'm sorry, everything's been draining, but I promise that we'll get it worked out better,"

"Or you could call me during my lunchtime since that'll be better timing," (Y/n) points out softly.

"I'll keep that in mind, I love you (Y/n)" Lin tells her.

"And I love you too Lin, have a good night sleep, I'll text you in the morning,"

A Book Started This Whole Thing (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now