Chapter five

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"Perfect," My stylist said.

They had dressed me in the colors of a fire. This time they died the tips of my hair this weird shiny red color, again without my permission. I was wearing a suit now, they pulled my hair back into a tight ponytail and tied it with a red ribbon. The suit was black, but everything else on my body was bright fire colors. They made my entire face red so I looked like a angry monster, and then sprinkles yellow sparkles over my entire body.

"Hes ready for the show!" Someone else said excitedly.

"What if we add a bit more sparkles so he can match Julie?" Someone suggested.

"Please don't," I complained, but ended up with a bucket of sparkles being dumped on my hair.

I would never be able to wash this out. 

I was brought down to a room with all the other tributes. Everyone was dressed in bright colors that represented their districts. All the girls wore dresses, and all the boys ended up in suits. I felt bad for one of the boys, The one from district four, I think their name was Pete. They wore a ugly blue jacket, and all kinds of rainbow fish where sewn onto it. He looked like a walking aquarium.

"Next," Someone said, it reminded me of the Peacekeepers back home.

The district four boy went onto the stage.

"Next," The same person said at least ten minutes later.

The line of people grew smaller and smaller, until it was only me standing against the wall alone while Julie  laughed with the host, Caesar. I watched her bow to the crowd on the TV in front of me, then she walked off stage.

"Next," The person said.

I stood up slowly, where I had been sitting there was a little ring of yellow sparkles. I walked out on stage, and the crowd cheered. There where three chairs, two occupied by different men.

"Welcome Alexander!" Caesar Flickerman said happily. "I should introduce you to our special guest, Game Maker Aaron Burr," Caesar said, gesturing to the other person.

I walked up on the stage, nodded at the Game Maker, and sat down in the open chair. Burr had a piece of paper he was taking notes on.

"So Alexander, we all saw the moving video of how your brother tried to volunteer for you," Caesar said, and the crowd made a dramatic sad noise. "Why did you not let him take your place?"

"I didn't want him risking his life for me," I said after a little pause, I was trying to pretend the audience was not there, and that Caesar was a normal human being that was not forcing me to fight 'till the death.

"If you could tell him something, what would you say?" Caesar asked me.

"Probably that he should know that I will try my best to survive, for him. And that if I die out there, my last thought is of him, and he should always remember that even though there would be nobody left, you can depend on yourself," I said, I calmed myself by pretending James was the camera.

"Oh that is just so moving. Is it okay if I ask, do you have any other family members?" Caesar said, he rested his hand on mine for emotional support, I ignored his hand.

"No, I don't," I replied simply, pushing my emotions down.

The audience made a sorry noise for me, it really just made me want to slap someone. I don't need their pity. I need a book and a quiet place to read, maybe cry a bit to get it out, but only in private.

"What do you think are your chances in the games?" Caesar asked.

"I know I would probably die. But I wont give up hope, for my brothers sake," I said quietly, this was the most I ever talked to a human besides my brother.

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