"That Stupid Apple Gets More Action Than Me" ✅

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"That Stupid Apple Gets More Action Than Me"


You were sitting at the table at lunch across from Draco as your friend Gabby sat beside you and nudged you causing your head snap towards her. "why are you staring at Draco eating an apple?" she asked you making you groan loudly which caused the blonde across from you look at with curiosity and his eyebrow raised as he bit into his apple again. You shot him a smile and turned your head towards your friend.

"Because I've been dating Malfoy for a month and nothing, I swear that stupid apple gets more action than I do, I should paint myself fucking green, maybe he'll bite into me then" you mumbled to your friend which made her snigger. "would you not just lay one on him" the girl asked you which made you snort and give her an amused look of your own.

"No, I'm waiting for him to do it, all I want is a kiss or I don't know to be slammed into a wall both will do" you said again, not realising you said that a bit loud which made Gabby burst out laughing and smack the table with  her hand. Maybe you said it a bit too loud as Draco smirked and looked down at the table.

Rolling your eyes you stood up and fixed your skirt. "I'm going to class. Snape is going to give me detention again if I'm late for potions.. Again" You said as you grabbed your bag and walked out of the hall and down the hallway where the stairs were.

As you were walking you heard your name being called "Y/L/N wait up will you, you're so fast Jesus" Draco called running up to you. You stopped and waited for your boyfriend to catch up to you. "Hey" You smiled at him which made him smirk and grab your elbow pulling you around the corner, which made you yelp as he pulled you along.

"What are you doing Malfoy" you laughed as he pushed you into an empty corner between the wall and a pillar that hid out of the view of everyone else. "I haven't seen you all day" He said as he gently pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. You looked up at him and licked your lips. You so badly wanted to kiss him.

"You know I heard something interesting today while I was havingmy lunch" The blonde said as he played with the strap of your bag and pushed it off your shoulder letting it fall to the cold ground.

You could hear yourself gulp, and by the obvious smirk he could too. "Yeah?and what was that?" you asked him with a shaky voice.

"something along the lines of you wanting a kiss or being slammed into a wall, I heard both options would do" He said with a whisper and gently slid his arms around your waist leaning in closer.

"I.. I" He chuckled lowly in his throat which made your knees buckle.

"I think I can help with that" Draco said again as he leaned in and kissed you. It started gently but he ran his tongue against your inner lip and you gasped giving his tongue the opportunity to explore your mouth.

As the kiss started to get more heated you felt him spin you around and your back crashed with the wall. After about 15 minutes the two of you pulled away.

"Hmmm. I should have done that a bit sooner" Draco said as his index finger ran over your lips pecking them again.

You looked at your watch and shouted "Fuck,Snape is going to kill us" You shouted making your boyfriend laugh.

"Just tell him I slammed you against the wall" He said with a wink making you slap his chest.

"I wasn't complaining though" You said with a wink as you picked up your bag and ran to class with the blonde close behind you.

Um.... Yeah well here it is.

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