Ewwww No !

12 0 0

Madison Campbell

"Omg! Turn. It. Off!"I shout at my little sister Adrian.

"NO! It's One Direction are you crazy?"she shouts through the music as she continues to sing along with this trash.

I swear I hate when she does this. I can't stand One Die-fection. And she loves them. Mom tells her to be considered and play it when I'm not around and to throw headphones in when I am but who does she listen to when mom and dad aren't around? Because it's diffently not me.

Adrian is 17, only a year younger than me, and yet I don't believe she will ever grow up. Anyway ignoring her and "Loser Direction" I put my headphones in on full blast and start to text my best friend in like the whole wide world, Nick Savage.

To Nicky Pooh

Hey Babe

Nick Savage is my gay boy bestfriend. I love him to deaf. He is 18, like mawh, and his hair is absouletly beautiful.

From Nicky Pooh

Heyy boop.. Hows it been?

To Nicky Pooh


From Nicky Pooh

Awwh what's wrong on?

To Nicky Pooh

My sister

As if on que, a loud screech was heard from in the living room. I dropped my phone and ran towards the scream.

"Whats wrong? Who died?"I ask paniced, probably looking like a mad man now.

"Onfff Dieggghhhuuuu!"Adrian shruggled to get out.

"Aye, aye, aye. Breathe. In.. Out.. Woosah,"I try to calm her down so her words would clear.

She took in a deep breathe. "One.. Direction.. Coming... Here.."she managed to say.

My heart dropped. Not with happiness, but with fear.

"Oh no," I felt myself begining to hyperventilate. I started backing away slowly as my sister followed, following each of my subtle movements.

"No, no, no.. I seen this in a nightmare before," I watch my sisters eyes going into their begging eyes. "It did NOT end well."

"Pleaseeeeee!"she pouted.

I took off running. Passing through the dinning room up to the stairs and into mom and dad's room. I plopped on the bed inbetween them both as they stared at us wide eyed.

"One Direction?"mom questions as if reading our minds.

"Yup" Adrain and I say at the same time.

"Figures," dad says as his attention is on TV. My eyes follow his gaze as I watch the 5 boys, who I dreaded, standing with the TV host, Ryan Seacrest (that man is everywhere), as they were interviewed.

"So guys, are you excited to be on tour again?"Ryan asked the 5 boys scrunched on a couch.

"Absolutely." the one with buzz cut hair said.

"Being on tour is a thrill and I love it."the blond and brown-haired one commented.

"Nice, so I heard your hitting here first thats why I get you guys all to myself for the first time here in Chicago."Ryan said, looking into the camera winking at the viewers.

I scuffed lowly which was soon followed by a low grumly from my sister. I squinted my eyes at her in disgust as I felt a pluck on my arm.

"Ouch!"I moan.

"Let your sister girl-fan in peace."mom defended.

I tilted my head to the side at her words but before I could correct her Adrian beat me to the chase.

"Fan-girling mom!"she corrects.

"Oh whatever." mom groans in defeat as I chuckle at her frustration.

"Well you've heard it here first folks. Get your tickets they're selling out fast."he closed out.

"Mom please don't make me take her!"I hop up and plead before Adrian could even ask if she can go.

"Well she never asked so of course you don't have to."she answers.

I let out a sigh of relief as my whole body releases all the pent up stress I didn't even realize I was holding in.

"Mom can I go please?"she whined, dragging the "e".

My head perked up as I looked at mom with a worried expression. Her eyes travled from my scared ones over to Adrians pleading ones.

"Yes.... You can go," she answered. I heard and seen from the corner of my eyes her ever so happy expression. I still looked to mom hoping her next words weren't what I thought they were. "And Madison, you beening the oldest one... You have to take her."

I moaned and groaned. Was she seriously about to do this to me?

"Oh come on it won't be that bad. Think about if it was your Jahnoskinas."my dad chimmed in, getting my favorite people names wrong.

"Its Janoskians dad."I correct.

"Whatever.. Its the same as if you wanna go see them."he said, as if those two completely different groups of people could ever be placed in the same category.

"But they're freaking awesome and Kill Die-fection is, well, their an infection."I defended.

"Yeah, but a hot infection."Adrian threw in.

I cut my eyes at her comment and before I could say anything mom started talking.

"Its settled your taking her. End of disscussion."mom finished.

I groaned and walked back to my room only to hear my phone play "Real Girls Eat Cake" by Janoskians.

"Hello."I answer pretty rudely.

"Well who popped your bubble of happiness?"the soft but diva-ous voice of my best friend, Nick, asked.

"I have to go to a One Die-fection concert." I quickly pulled the phone from my ear as a loud scream came from the phone.

Oh yeah did I forget to mention Nick is also absolutely in love with One Die-fection.

"Hey, hey, hey.. Ear drums.. Need them."I shout into the phone.

"Im sorry, Im sorry.. But you gotta let me go with you."he hyperventilates.

"Sure, why would I leave my best friend, who for some odd reason loves One Die-fection, at home while I go some where dumb to see people I hate?"I state with a half smirk. I find his excitement slightly amusing.

"Kk thank you so much. I'll be down in a little bit so we can go ride off and get tickets."he said.

"Kk love you."I said hanging up.

Ughh well I guess I should go shoot myself now.

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