Bestie Talk

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🏳️‍🌈~COLE'S POV~🏳️‍🌈

Cole saw Robin get up with the new person. They were walking towards him holding hands. They looked so cute together. He wished that could be him and Peyton.

"COOOOLE!!!" Robin yelled, practically dragging the other behind them. "I didn't know you would be here! What are you doing here!?" They asked, winking and waggling their eyebrows. Behind them, the other girl jokingly flicked them on the ear.

Cole saw Peyton looking at Robin. He was kind of embarrassed to have his name yelled in public. He waited for his friend to get to his table before replying, "I'm just having coffee with Peyton."

"Just having coffee, eh?" Robin smirked, waggling their eyebrow more.

"Yes! Just coffee! Nothing else."

"Hee, hee... okay..." They said. "Well while I am over here and you are basking in my amazing presence-"

Peyton cut them off. "Hey, Robin! Who's this?" He said, walking over from the line holding their drinks.

"Well, PEYTON, I was actually about to introduce her when you walked up! Perfect timing I guess!"

"Isn't it obvious," Cole said. "They're so dating."

Besides Robin, the other girl blushed a bit and Robin grinned, "Well my dear friend, you are correct! This is my girlfriend, Mila!"

"Hey there! I'm Mila. And you're Cole and Peyton correct?"

"Yep!" Peyton said, setting the drinks down and sitting across from Cole.

Mila grinned and whispered in Robin's ear momentarily. Also wearing a grin, Robin said, "Hey Cole! Can I talk to you for a sec, bestie to bestie?" They started, smirking, "Mila and Peyton could get to know each other better while we talk! Pleeeease!?"

Cole nodded as Robin dragged him out of the shop. He shared a look with Peyton right before he was pulled out of the door. He didn't know what Robin was going to say,

"What's up?"

"What's up!?" They exclaimed! "Peyton! That's what's up!"

"No, I wish something was up. He's so oblivious it's alarming. He just wanted to get coffee as friends." Cole sighed.

"Pfft-" they snickered, "just as friends, right. I bet this is some kind of super gay set up plan to see if he likes you baaack~" They said, actually lenny facing. "I mean, I know that MY gaydar is going off. I don't know about you, but I say he totally likes you."

"Ugh. It's all in your head. You just want him to be gay so you can ship him with me."

"Oh, I ship you guys anyway. I just need my ship to become canon and oblivious gay disasters are making it soooo difficult!" They whined, "besides, he is gay. Did you even see him holding that coffee? He's so gay that even the way he holds shit is gay. And you actually haven't noticed!?" They scoffed, jokingly turning away from him and pretending to be disappointed.

"A bent wrist never meant anyone was gay."

"Okay, but it damn sure wasn't straight!" They exclaimed. "Honestly, you can be so stiff sometimes. Just, test him or something. That's how I learned that Mila is pan, do like, gay eyes, or something."

"First, how the hell am I gonna test him? Second, what I'll find is that he's straight. And finally, what the HELL are gay eyes?"

"ULLLCCCHHH. Gay eyes, ya hoe, are an exchange of looks between two homosexuals, and it's something that only LGBTQ can really detect." They explained, before adding, "It doesn't really work, but it's worth a shot." They shrugged.

"Okay fine! You're right he's gay, but he's never gonna like me and I'm just gonna be disappointed." Cole looked away lost in thought.

Robin inspected them and, seeing the look of pure hopelessness on his face, grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him back into reality. "Look at me," they said.

Cole glanced down at them, shaking their hands off his shoulders. "What?"

"Even if he isn't into you, which he is," Robin said, "It's worth a try, isn't it? I mean, it's not like your raging homosexual crush on him is just gonna go away."

"I guess you're right. I just don't want to be disappointed."

"Hey, I know. Believe it or not, I was SUPER hella scared when I was asking Mila out, but look at where we are now! This is like, our fourth date. You've got this bitch!"

"Thanks, queen." Cole turned to walk back inside.

Robin grinned and followed him. They both walked back into the shop and looked over to see Mila and Peyton having a super animated conversation; they were both gesturing madly with their arms and were chatting like it was the end of the world.

Robin and Cole exchanged an amused glance and walked over to where their friends were sitting.


Thanks again to@LeafyPanda26 for their help with writing and editing this book. The next chapter follows Peyton and the story gets more interesting. Micy and I are enjoying writing this and we're working on more updates.

Lot's of love, dears!

-Your Gay Author

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