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Naruto was sick of it all. Sick of the all the glares, and whispers that follows him through Konoha. He has no one except himself, for the first four years of his life. So when he wakes up in the sewers he certainly did not expect to make his first friend there.

'Bijuu Thoughts'
"Bijuu Talking"

3rd POV

Four years old Naruto Uzumaki was cornered in the orphanage storage closet. How did he get here you ask? Simple, because he asked for a cup of water. Ridiculous right? Well not really, for Naruto this is practically a daily thing.

And Naruto, was sick of it all. On the outside he looks like a bright and happy kid, but he was just so... tired of living! What's the point of living if everybody hates you!?! No matter what he does everyone either glares at him every time he's in a five meter radius from then or they just outright ignore him!

He might not be the sharpest kunai but he isn't just outright stupid! He recognizes that look in their eyes! They all hate him! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!!

He just wants to be treated like all the other kids in this place, just... what type of crime did he commit to be treated like this?

With those thoughts he slipped into blissful darkness. When he awoke he would be greeted with the sounds of dripping water...

3rd POV

Upon waking up Naruto realized that he was no longer in the cramped storage closet... no now he seemed to be in a giant sewer...

Walking around aimlessly Naruto stumbled across multiple bars that formed what appeared to be a giant cage.

"Oh? Has my container finally come to meet me?" A blood red eye opened directly in front of Naruto. While the great creatures voice was filled with so much hatred!- Naruto recognized that look in their eyes because he himself has felt it everyday for the past four years of his life... Loneliness and longing for something, longing for affection...

"My name's Naruto Uzumaki, what's your name?"

Kurama's POV

Shock was the first thing I felt, then anger.

"What are you trying to accomplish!?! Why are you even here!?! You will not gain anything by doing this!!", Kurama hissed back.

"I just... want to be friends with you..."

At this point the Kyuubi could hardly believe what he just heard, did his container just say he wanted to be friends with him!?!?

"And tell me why I, the Kyuubi no Kitsune should become FRIENDS with you!?!"

"Because we're both lonely! So why not become friends? Then we both don't have to be lonely anymore!"

3rd POV

Both the beast and the child stared at each other for a while... until something broke the silence.

"Kurama, My name is Kurama..."

"So uh... where exactly are we? I mean I don't really know how I ended up here...", said a sheepish Naruto while smiling awkwardly.

"We're in your mindscape..."

After Kurama finished explaining about what a mindscape is and just as Kurama was about to continue on to explain why he (Kurama) was in his (Naruto's ) mindscape Naruto brain paused to a screeching halt.

"Wait a sec, you're the KYUUBI!?!"

And thus was the start of a beautiful friendship between a Bijuu and a Human...

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