Chapter 6

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'Bijuu Thoughts '
"Bijuu Talking"

3rd POV

A few days later when Naruto comes back to the small cliff by the waterfall (He left the fox at his apartment)Naruto discover a pale skinned boy that was about 11 (7 years older than Naruto) with curly dark colored hair and equally as dark eyes. The boy was practicing with some sort of sword ,and Naruto was amazed. His movements were graceful, fluid strikes against an invisible opponent. Though in a flash the boy was no longer there, and Naruto sensed a Chakra Signature appear right behind him.

Immediately turning around Naruto came face to face with a grinning 11 year old. Naruto could only stare for a few seconds before whispering "Shunshin...." under his breath. Unfortunately though Shisui had heard and quickly asked, "Hey kid aren't you a bit young to know that?"

Focusing a bit again Naruto replied back, "Well, last time I checked most Shinobi doesn't learn how to actually use the Shunshin until they're Chunin."

"Well luckily for me then... I am a Chunin.", Shisui replied dryly, hearing this Naruto perked up. "So you graduated the academy earlier then? Huh... So uh... what's your name? Ya know my name's Naruto Uzumaki!", Naruto shouted while flashing Shisui a bright smile. Internally though Naruto was grateful that this person didn't hate him, as he couldn't sense any negative emotions coming off him.

"My name's Shisui Uchiha! So Naruto what is a little boy like you doing out here in the woods?", Shisui replied. Stiffening a bit Naruto pondered if he should actually tell this guy or just say he got lost or something. In the end Naruto decided to tell Shisui a half truth.

"I usually come here to play or relax since it's really peaceful here, and the animals are nice to me here.", said Naruto nervously playing with his fingers a little bit. Nodding slightly Shisui seemed to accept Naruto's lie easily enough. Seeing this Naruto relaxed a little bit, before remembering that they were supposedly having a conversation, "And why did you come here to train? I mean aren't there plenty of other Training Grounds available?", Naruto questioned while slightly raising his left eyebrow.

"Same reason as you, there's no prying eyes here, and everything is just so peaceful.", Shisui responded easily. Shoulders sagging a little Naruto decides to leave his favourite training place today since Shisui is using it.

"Well I guess I'll go to another part of the forest, bye Shisui-san! I hope I see you again sometime!", Naruto quickly yelled over his shoulder before sprinting off along the river.

3rd POV

After another day of practicing both his parent's Taijutsu katas, Chakra Control, and his Kekkai Genkai until the sun was about to set, Naruto decided to head to Ichiraku Ramen to eat instead of just eating bread or instant ramen 'Although Kurama is trying to teach me how to hunt for food', Naruto thought tiredly.Though on his way to Ichiraku Naruto bumped into two people. Naruto quickly apologized but before he got to leave the younger of the two people he bumped into shyly said an,"It's alright." from in between the eldest of the two's legs. Not really paying attention Naruto continued to hurry to Ichiraku Ramen, though in the back of his mind he absentmindedly noted that the two both had Shisui's dark hair and eyes.

/Small Time-skip/ I'm really sorry for adding so many Time-skips

The next time the Hokage came to check on Naruto, Naruto didn't tell him about getting his parents memories, how a fox is hiding in his apartment nor about meeting Shisui. While Naruto knew the Hokage cared for him to some extent he had to be careful around him, the Hokage could take away his new pet fox, or worse even tighten Kurama's seal so he wouldn't be able to talk to his best friend!

So for now he would just observe the old man and see if he would try to take his precious people away from him ,and if he will then he just wouldn't tell him ,but if he would actually listen to him then Naruto will tell him.

After the old man left Naruto was left alone 'As alone as a jinchuuriki can get anyways' Naruto wondered if the people guarding him would be his friends.

Walking up to the one with the Inu mask hidden in one of the corners of the room. Naruto looked at the ANBU in hiding and said, "Hi! My name's Naruto would you like to be my friend?"

Not really knowing what to say Inu(Guess who Inu is and if you don't know then shame on you -I'm joking please don't sue me-) said slowly "Sure?"

Naruto happily chirped,"From now on I'll call you Inu-nii!" Happy that he made a new friend Naruto skipped happily back into his bedroom to get his new pet fox, speaking of his new pet, he still haven't gave said fox a name yet!

Climbing under his bed Naruto let the Fox rest after seeing said fox in the middle of napping. Deciding that why not make more of the ANBU his friends Naruto decided to skip to the one right outside the bedroom door since the ANBU seemingly didn't enter his room as to give him some sort of privacy.

Running up to the ANBU member by the door this time Naruto once again asked for the name of the ANBU member. "What's your name Anbu-san?"

Tenzo's POV

I gaped at the child in front of me behind my white Anbu mask. How had a four year old not just somehow spot two Anbu members but two of the best at that! This four year old had somehow detected both his Senpai and I!

Returning back to reality I glanced breifly at Inu-senpai and said to the child in the softest voice I could muster,"Boar"

A cry of "Boar-nii!" Snapped me out of my thoughts though, and while I thought that he would forget about this incident... he didn't.

The next time Inu-senpai and I were on our shift he had written us notes asking about our birthdays, favourite colors, and etc.

Though this isn't where it ended he began doing this for all the ANBU members that was tasked with guarding Naruto.

Though surprisingly he remembered every single one of the ANBU's birthdays, and what they liked and disliked. Everytime it was an ANBU member's birthday he would buy small gifts with his allowance for the ANBU operative. Two years has gone by just like that and soon pretty much all the ANBU has come to slowly warm up to Naruto, and some absolutely adored him because of his thoughtfulness.

Naruto pretty much called all the ANBU operatives his nii-sans and nee-chans.

While these two years gone by I also noticed Inu-senpai seemed a lot happier as well and if Inu-senpai was happy then so was I.

So how was this chapter? And does anyone have name suggestions for Naruto's pet fox? I couldn't really decide on a name I think I might just name the Fox Kiko if female or Kou if male. And that's just another question should the Fox be male or female?

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