Chapter 10

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'Bijuu Thoughts '
"Bijuu Talking"

Naruto POV

After getting Itachi up to date with the current situation, we each went our separate ways. Shisui went back to his snooping around, Itachi returned to the Uchiha Compound, and I decided that it was about time that I visited Kou again, he must be pretty lonely all the time.

Humming to myself I sat in the hollowed tree that has become Kou's home until I'm allowed a nin-animal. Not long after Kou returned with a barely rabbit in his jaws. And as much as I pity the cute little rabbit, rabbits ate what foxes eat most if the time. Shooting a sympathetic look towards the rabbit I returned my attention back to Kou.

Kou sat there as I started recounting everything that he misses out on, listening to me in silence while enjoying his food. After Kou finished with his fod Kou yipped at me almost whiningly as if asking for something. He trudged over to my lap and made himself comfortable whilst snuggling against me. I scratched his head soothingly as Kou slowly fell asleep. After I was 100% sure that Kou was asleep and probably wasn't going to wake up anytime soon I gently set him down, and left him as he continued to nap.

Sneaking back into Konoha's walls I slipped quietly through my apartment's bathroom window, switching with my clone I walked out of my washroom as if nothing ever happened. Checking to see who my ANBU Guards were today I frowned sadly when I noticed that one of them was ill. And he while has been progessively getting worse for the last two years I can't help but worry, surely his illness is holding dragging him down slowly in the Shinobi World.

As much as I wanted to just go up to him and try to heal him myself I can't do that with all the people present right now. Plus thus could be a personal issue. So suppressing my ever growing worry for one of my nii-sans I continued on with the day with a heavy heart.

/Few Days Later/

Today only one ANBU seemed to be avaliable for tonight since I only have one ANBU guarding me right now. Not paying much attention to this I went back to cooking for myself, maybe I'll make some for the ANBU as well. Though before I could finish that thought I was brought out of my musing by heavy weezes that just seems to be worsening. Turning around quickly I rush towards the ANBU that was currently having some difficulty breathing.

I panic for a bit before I quickly run to my kitchen to get him a cup of water and maybe some coughing pills, I also turn the stove off on my way. Kneeling before the ANBU I hand him the water and the coughing pill. While I knew that the two wouldn't help much I hoped that he would at least be stable enough to go and get some medical attention.

Deciding that my nii-sans life us a lot more important than my secret about my skills I roll up my sleeves and remove his mask. Ignoring his pale face I put my arm directly in between his jaws and wince a little when he bites down. Though a few seconds later he passed out. I quickly make a few shadow clones to help me get him to my couch while sending one off to get finish cooking and another for the herbs that I collected during Shisui's recovery.

'Argh! What am I supposed to do? Why does this always happen to me?! And why was Nii-san here even an active Shinobi when he's I'll to this degree!' I continued to ramble in my mind. Coming back into focus I turn to look at Nii-san while he has a pale face and worrying black circles under his eyes, I couldn't help but feel somewhat awed that I got to see one of my Nii-san's face.

Clearing my thoughts I think back to his illness it was clearly focuses on the lungs seeing as he had trouble breathing when my cooking seemed to have made a bit of smoke. Using my Chakra Bite I had healed some of the damage but if I were to want him to recover completely I would have to use Chakra Bite repeatively on him which would take a couple of months seeing how bad his illness has gotten.

Pondering over my choices I make up my decision. From now on I'll treat my nii-sans sickness myself! If Konoha's doctors are doing such a terrible job then I'll take over! Here comes the hard part though, how will I get him to meet up with me at least a day a week for the next few months maybe even years.

I could have Itachi do help me as well though. While he used to guard me when I was younger I'm pretty sure he's still in ANBU and he could get Sparrow-nii to meet up with me. Although that might look extremely suspicious...

Or... I could just ask him to meet up with me a day per week and tell him about my Kekkai Genkai? That doesn't sound too bad... plus I trust Sparrow-nii he wouldn't hurt me on purpose. I also have to take into consideration that Sparrow-nii will probably tell jiji as well though.

Having the Hokage know of my Kekkai Genkai might not be a bad thing anyways... he's really kind to me even if he's busy most of the time. Turning back towards Sparrow-nii I sit and wait patiently for him to wake up.

/Small Timeskip/

Seeing Sparrow-nii slowly stirring from his sleep and sitting up against the couch I hand him the cup of tea that I've just finished preparing from my leftover herbs. Though Sparrow-nii didn't show it on his face I could tell he was surprised. Deciding to be blunt I said,

"We need to talk about your illness Sparrow-nii, it's been getting worse over the years has it not?"

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