Chapter 1: Awakening

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Fallout Equestria: Influx

Chapter 1: Awakening

“Is it going according to plan?” A strong commanding voice asked.

“She, but yes Colonel. I have implanted her brain into I-01’s skull and decided to use both the Chimera grown heart and lungs since we know they are both undamaged,” Replied a braytish accented female voice, sounding annoyed about her superior’s inability to see their project for being more than a mere thing.

“It’s looking rather well, should the heart be beating right now?”

“Yes sir, once we extracted her brain from her head, we only had a few minutes to get it into the skull of I-01 and connected to the circulatory system. Thankfully, everything went off without a hitch, and the heart and lungs are working fine to keep the brain alive.”

“Good, well then, keep me posted. I want to know how everything is progressing.”

There was the sound of a door closing before the doctor sighed.

“She, colonel, despite the fact she’s going to be more machine than pony, she is still a female and will still be alive.”  


“How is it coming doctor?”

“SHE, sir, is coming along swimmingly,” Growled the braytish mare.

“When will it be ready?” He asked, ignoring the doctor’s frustration.

“She’ll be ready for her trials in the next month. We still have plenty of slight modifications to make regarding her chest and cranium.”


“Zebras are very strong melee and unarmed combatants and if our latest reports into some of their abilities are to be believed, they can break solid rock with their hooves. So, we are increasing her mechanical skeleton’s durability with titanium. Especially around her chest and head, since they will be protecting her brain and heart.”

“Very well doctor...” He trailed off as he looked over at the mechanical skeleton. “Are its eyes supposed to be glowing red?”

“What?” The doctor cried out in surprise. “Oh bollocks.”


“What do you mean you’re moving her?” Dr Pear asked in outrage.

“Project Infiltrator has been compromised, doctor. Pinkie Pie has got it into her head that some of the ministries are trying to sell out to the Zebras or are hiding something. Which of course we are. She has gone off the rails much harder than usual. She is currently digging through all MoA archives and using all kinds of backdoor access codes to get into restricted areas. Infiltrator is on the very secure archives and she’ll discover it eventually if nothing distracts her. When she does, we do not want her to find I-01, nor us.”

“We can’t move her just yet.”

“I can only give you twenty four hours before we have no choice but to move it.”

“That should be enough time for me to finish what I need to do right now. But where are we moving the project to?”

“Back to Las Pegasus.”

“For the love of Celestia.”

“Sorry doctor.”

“Fuck off! You’re not sorry. You just want results. I can’t rush this; this is damn delicate work. Normally, it’ll take a day or two for the application of her living flesh but you’ve forced me to rush here.”

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