Chapter 5: A Painful Truth

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Fallout Equestria


Chapter 5: A Painful Truth




Thuds and booms rocked the decaying corridors of the old run down MASA Headquarters as a lone figure walked its halls. The feral creatures known as ghouls would attack this figure with the desire to feed on its flesh, but before they could, it would swat them aside like flies with a flick of a boot covered hoof. The ghouls didn't know and couldn't process they were attacking a machine instead of a flesh and blood pony, for it wore the armour of a Desert Ranger so to them it was a pony like any other.

"Rawr!" A ghoul roared as it thundered down the roof access stairs at the approaching Ranger. The Ranger didn't flinch or slow down on its approach even as the ghoul pounced from the bottom step. With a swift stomp, the Ranger brought its hoof down on top of the attacking ghoul's head as it got in range and drove it into the floor with enough force to turn its head into mush, putting it out of its misery forever. Undeterred, the Ranger walked up the stairs until it came to a locked door at the top that blocked its path to the roof. The hidden robot swiftly spun around and delivered an applebuck to the door, the door flew off its hinges from the impact and fell over the side of the building with a mighty crash upon hitting ground. Silently, the machine stepped out onto the roof of the MASA HQ and walked up to the chest high wall surrounding the roof's perimeter and began to survey its surroundings in search of its target.

Through its red tinted vision plus the red lenses of the helmet, the machine slowly scanned the area around the building. Taking in all it could see until its gaze would face north in the direction of the Las Pegasus ruins as at least a mile away, the machine caught two ponies running. I-02 IS stepped up to the wall and activated his AM Rifle's scope system built into the helmet and zoomed in as far as it could go on the running pair.

"Target one.... Pegasus... Male... Armed... Unknown plasma weapon,"

The machine swept its gaze to the other figure running beside the pegasus stallion.

"Target two... Primary target identified, I-01."

The machine disengaged the scope and watched as the pegasus and the zebra disguised machine ran closer and closer to the ruins of the once great city.

"Incoming transmission from Production Facility."

The machine sat down as it watched the two ponies disappear into the ruins.

"Have you acquired your target? You have been at the facility for a good hour." Came the demanding voice of the computer over the transmission.

"Negative sir, the building's security had been tripped and I had to go through the security shutters and the sentry drones which slowed me down. However, upon emerging on the roof I saw two targets fleeing the area and one of them was I-01," I-02 IS replied as if he was replying to a superior officer.

"I-01's signal transmitter is still offline, I am unable to track its movements, where is it headed now?"

"I-01 has entered the ruins of Las Pegasus sir."

The machine stood up as it prepared to move out.

"With its signal transmitter offline, you will be limited in your ability to track it. You will know when you are close to I-01 as your scanners should be able to pick up its power cell's energy signature. Word of warning however, I-01 was designed with weak power cells to enforce the need to recharge so if the power signature is weak enough you may lose track of it until it recharges,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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