Safe with me

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Meanwhile :

"Nagi-chan, have you find any leads for Sakurai ?"

"No. I'm sorry Gou-chan but we can't seem to find her either"

"Arghhhh it's my fault for not looking around. If only I was more careful"

"Don't blame yourself Gou. Let's just hope Sakurai will be fine. I'm sure she'll find her way"

"Makoto-senpai...But if we can't find her"

"Trust me she'll be back. You girls just go back first and we continue looking for her. It's already late you know"

"Yeah you're right. Alright then if you found her please call us okay ?"


The boys just looked towards the girl's direction, watching them fading away from the main entrance of the festival, bit by bit. Seeing the girls were gone, Makoto tried his best to execute a plan to search for Sakurai. They did go through the entire festival together but he also thought that it's better if they split up afterwards, in order to speed up the process of finding her. After all, they don't want to loss her either. Reluctantly, Makoto asked everyone to split up and told them to give each other a call if they found Sakurai by any chance. But if they really couldn't find her, the worst case scenario is for them to report to the police. That's their last option.

Somewhere near a shrine :

Gou-chan, Hana-chan..Where are you guys ? Her eyes went watery and the fear kept on creeping inside her. She wanted to get away from people or more like, she wanted to find a place that could help her to breath. Crowded places weren't usually triggering to her, but sometimes they made her feel uneasy especially when she was unaccompanied. Her head was already looking down and the only sight she could see was the path she's taking which she couldn't possibly guess as she didn't have the courage to look up. Her hands were trembling like crazy and the only thing she could do was hugging her own self. She wanted someone, she needed someone to find her. Anyone, please...Please...

Without her realising, she was already arriving at a shrine, someplace where no people seem to go because everyone was busy having fun in the festival. A huge sigh left her mouth, a bit relief that she managed to escape the crowd. But worst of all, she didn't even know which shrine she went and somehow, without the need to be told by anyone, she knew that it's impossible for people to find her there. It's far from everyone and yet, she's hoping maybe someone would come and find her. The night didn't seem to be in her favor as she felt water droplets hitting her own face. The clay made rooftop seem to produce some clicking sound, after the raindrops collided with it. The night couldn't been better as the wind decided to join in, giving out harmony between both elements. A cold night that could give chills to anyone, especially to those who weren't expecting it to come. The icy breeze made Sakurai felt shiver down her spine. Her only hope for someone to find her seems to be fading away completely as no one will be going to the shrine in a dark and rainy day. Thankfully she wore a yukata which manage to save her body from the combination of wind and water. However, it seem like her mind has given up to stay awake which made her eyelids close the second the light at the shrine went off. Guess no one will come after all.


That voice, it sounded very familiar...

Oh my Sakurachii it is you, hold on tight I'll take you back home okay ?

Sakurai was trying her best to open her mouth but she couldn't. Her body seem very tired to even move around but she still could hear her surroundings. Without her realising, she had already fallen into a very deep slumber. On the other hand, Kise, the one who found her was elated that she's fine. Well, if you exclude her body as cold as ice and her eyes being shut down like a computer, Sakurai is still breathing and alive. Without further hesitation, Kise wrapped her body with his sweater. After all, that's the very least he could do to warm herself. It may be too late for him to wait until she wakes up so Kise took out his phone and dialled Momoi's number.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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