Chapter 1: First Encounters

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I saw her sitting on the bench, eyes deep in a book, oblivious to the world around her, no clue that my eyes had been staring to her at her for a few minutes now.

I had just gone to get lunch in between patients and as I walked through the park back to my building there she sat and I knew I had to have her. Perfection was the word that came to mind as I laid eyes on her. Her long  black hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves that ended below her rib cage. She wore a long tan jacket and blue sweater that clung to her ample chest, beneath that she wore tight black trousers, and a slight heeled boot. Her lips were slightly parted, the perfect shade of dusty pink. Her eyes were so entranced in her book that I could only see the thick dark eyelashes hiding their hue.

I made my way towards her. Luckily all the other benches were occupied by others taking lunches and a break. I spied her cup of coffee sitting beside her on the bench. Very carefully I sat down on the bench just well enough to make it seem like I accidentally knocked the coffee over and onto her. It spilled onto her just enough to darken the fabric.

She jumped in surprise and quickly moved to adjust the cup before even more spilled on her tan jacket.

"I'm so sorry. I did even see your cup there," I said quickly, rushing to grab napkins from my bag. "Here, take these."

She finally looked up at me and I could have melted right there. Perfect pools of emerald green met me. Her perfect plump lips parted as she smiled and took them, "Thank you," she said blotting they napkins on her coat. Her voice sound like heaven to my ears and it took everything within me not to rush and take her now. I had never wanted someone more then her, but I could not take her now. I would not need to take her. She would be mine...willingly.

"I really am so sorry, please let me pay to get it cleaned," I suggested.

"No, no, no, it's fine really," she said with a smile.

"Well at least let me by you a new coffee," I suggested.

She smiled and I noticed the small bite of her bottom lip that made my heart pound in my chest with desire, before she hesitantly nodded. "Sure," she replied.


5 hours later

"So how was your day," my roommate Ana asked as she came into the living room with the bowl of popcorn and plopped down on the couch.

"Well other than ruining my new jacket, surprisingly good," I replied taking a handful.

"Ooh, why's that," she asked flipping the channels and shoving popcorn into her mouth.

"Well a very handsome doctor ruined my coat and cup of coffee by sitting down next to me during my break."

She raised her eyebrows at me clearly interested and wanting me to continue.

"I was at the park on my lunch break, but I wasn't really hungry so I was reading, just to get my mind off all of the stress of this new job. And Liam sat down next to me."

"Liam," she cooed next to me and I punched her arm slightly.

"He felt bad about spilling the drink on my jacket so he offered to buy me a new one and I let him. Ana this man was gorgeous, like could've  been a model gorgeous. At first I was so pissed that my jacket had been stained but when I looked up and saw him it was well worth it. Dirty blonde hair, perfect straight white teeth, dimples when he smiled, and blue green eyes. When we left to go get the drink and he stood he towered above me like 6'5 at least, I'm not even joking. And he's a doctor, a plastic surgeon to be specific."

"Please tell me that you got his number," Ana said as she finally made her movie choice.

"Of course," I replied, as my phone dinged at the notification that I had received a new message.

What do you think of their first interaction?

This chapter is pretty short, but I promise the others are much longer. This serves more as an introduction.

Read on to see what happens next!

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