Chapter 28: Plotting and Planning

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Shocker... didn't edit... my bad 🤦🏼‍♀️ just wanted to get it out because of the delay.


All I could do was stare down at the enormously ring placed on my finger speechlessly.

"Beautiful right," he said as he rubbed the length of my ring finger with his thumb, the rest of his fingers caressing my palm beneath it.

When I didn't reply he continue, "It was my mother's.  It looks much better on you my dear.  And don't you dare take it off," he said his voice growing suddenly dark as night. " for if you do I will burn it onto your finger so you can never take it off again understand," he said gripping my hand tightly in his own.

"But what about Abby, Laurel, won't they be jealous," I questioned trying to pull my hand free from his, but he only gripped it tighter.

"They'll be what I want them to be. I don't care how they feel about it, they will be happy for us if I tell them to be," he growled.

"But-but you and Abby have been together so much longer, why haven't you ever married her, she makes more sense," I stammered.

He released his grip on my hand to stand and throw the items from his desk and yelled, "I don't love her, I love you," before stalking toward me and towering above me in my seat.

His hand can up and grasped the back of my hair and yanked my head back as he came close to my face, so that our noses touched.

"Did you not listen to a god damn thing I said or do you just like angering me," he seethed and pulled my hair again. "If the other dolls will be a problem I will get rid of them!"

"Please, please don't harm them," I begged.

"Then stop with this foolishness," he said and let go of my hair and walked back to his own seat.

He readjusted the things that remained on his desk as he sighed.

"In a month, we will marry, then start our family. You can leave now," he said turning his attention away from me and to his computer.

I stood and walked quietly to the door before Liam called out, "Send Hannah back in."

I opened the door to find Hannah waiting on the other side of it. I squeezed through the crack I had created and she saw the ring on my hand and grasped onto my arm before pulling her hand up to her eye level.

She ran her finger over the diamond and uttered, "Congratulations," before dropping it and closing the door behind her.

I walked down the hallway and a bedroom door opened. I turned my eyes and was met with the hateful glare of Abby.

Her talon like fingers gripped onto the door as she spat, "What makes you so special?  You don't even want him. I love him, I cherish him, I've stood by him through everything. You are nothing," she said stepping out to come face to face with me.

"I don't want him," I said in a hushed whisper.

She huffed and glared at me. She gripped onto a strand of hair and began to twirl it in her finger. "He will grow tired of you. He will become sick of your antics and if he doesn't kill you, then I will. Watch your back sweetheart," she said flipping the hair toward me before she turned to go back to her room, slamming the door with such ferocity I could feel the shake in the floorboard.

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