Chapter Five

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~~Glenn's POV~~

Ansleys been gone for way to long. It's been like three hours since we split up. It worries me knowing anything could have happened to her, walkers, she could have been trapped, anything.

"I'm about to go look for her." I spoke up to the other four people looking at me, with Merle on the roof keeping look out.

"Ok be safe we're going to continue getting things from this building. We still haven't gotten anything from the second story." Morels spoke.

"Ok I'll try to be back before night-fall tonight." I said as I walked to the door.

I put one hand on the rusty door nob with my knife in the other. I walk into the ally and didn't see any walkers. I walk to the ladder and start pulling myself up. As I walked across the gravel covered roof I saw where the rocks where skidded into and blood at the bottom like someone fell. As I was about to cross the fourth building I heard shooting right next to building I was on. I ran over to the edge and watched as a man crawled under a tank and walkers eating what resembled a horse. I pulled the walkie-talkie and tried to talk the man.

"Hey you. Yeah you, jackass in the tank. Is it cozy in there?" I spoke clearly.

After we came up with a plan to get him out of the tank, we attempted to try the plan. I climbed down the ladder and grabbed ahold of the fence.

The man ran in the ally and when I tried to shut it to many walkers were pushing on it.

"Run!" I shouted as I started running down the ally and toward the ladder. The man followed me up the ladder and we stopped half way up the ladder on a little platform.

"I'm Glenn." I say as I hold out my hand.

"Rick." he speaks as he grabs my hand and shakes it.

I walk back toward the store realizing about six dozen walkers at the doors of the department store. We quickly ran into the building.

Everybody's heads snapped in our direction and a few people looked behind us and frowned when they didn't see Ansley. Andrea was going crazy yelling at Rick and Morels was holding her back as she tried to pull her gun on Rick.

"Their everywhere. Their trying to get in through the front, the glass won't hold very long." Jackie spoke to me as the others bickered.

We heard the gun going off and my first thought was Ansley, but I knew she was smart enough to not waste bullets with that many walkers right around the corner.

"Dixon!" Someone from around me shouted as we all took off running to the roof.

~~Ansley's POV~~
I woke to the snarling of walkers. I opened my eyes to see a few people dressed in scrubs. A woman noticed I was awake and started talking, I couldn't answer because my ears were ringing.

I tried to focus before everything went black.

~~Glenn's POV~~

I felt guilty. I didn't want to leave Ansley in Atlanta, but I had no choice. If we didn't leave when we did none of us would have made it.

Plus I felt bad about leaving Dixon like that. No one and I mean no one deserves to die on a hot roof top while slowly being dehydrated.

I knew Daryl was going to come back so I could use that time to come back to find Ansley.

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