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Alexander Hamilton x Angelica Schuyler Church

Now for this ship I'm on edge because of how wrong both Angelica and Hamilton was towards Eliza. The winter's ball set off a secret type of relationship between the two from letters to " Take a Break", but Angelica really did change his life when he met Eliza.

Angelica causes his social status to rise and literally "change his life" after him and Eliza married. Honestly, Angelica did set Eliza up when she knew that Alexander had no money and was probably only after her for the money.

Angelica then introduces him to Eliza, her sister who she called "naive" to be married and she knew that he wouldn't be satisfied with her. 

I did love the letters and the " My dearest, Angelica" because it's the comma that changed every thing about the letter. I do believe that if they were in a relationship that Angelica would have been happy but felt selfish because both her and Eliza wanted the same man.

Alexander probably would've been worse or actually settled because with Eliza it was like he loved her but wanted to make sure that his 'legacy' would be protected. Angelica probably would've left him after the Reynolds pamphlet, but at the same time that's what I believe.

I rate this ship 6.5/10. There's potential, but I don't know how those two personalities would clash if they were together.

Ship or Sink?


Credit: Unknown (Was found on Google)

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