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Alexander Hamilton x Eliza Hamilton

This ship is one that I love because it was clear that Alex and Eliza loved each other, but the only problem I have is that Alex hurt Eliza a lot and she was always having to beg him so she could be in his life.

The stories and fan art for Hamliza is cute and are usually fluff or angst.

For the musical, I liked the relationship of them together, but it was mostly Alexander being selfish and putting himself first and Eliza begging him to let her be apart of his life. Eliza was too good for Alex and it sucks on how he treated her.

Alex treated Eliza horrible in the musical and it was like the only time he actually started to care about her was when Philip died and they had to move uptown.

Eliza deserves better and Alex deserves to be beat.

For this ship I rate it 10/10.

Ship or Sink?


Credit: Instagram- @ clarissasbakery

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