Chapter four

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Chapter 4

Lukas and I were new to the "rich world", he never seemed to have a problem though. He knew all the tricks of it, the manners, the conversations, the clothes, everything. I on the other hand, I couldn't stand any of it. The stiff suits and ties I could never tie myself, the annoying conversations with these idiots who only cared about what wine was being served or what cigar to smoke, and the manners where I had to behave, put a napkin on my lap, drink like a gentleman, all that shit. Putting on the act of "just smile and nod" like Mathias had told me, he was the only rich one I didn't seem to hate. Him, and Mrs. Elizaveta, they seemed so normal for rich people.

"Now then, here you go." Elizaveta handed Kaoru a flattened suit. Kaoru looked at the suit in confusion, not really seeing one before; he wasn't used to western ways yet. "You have to look nice to impress that mob young man." Kaoru bowed his head a bit in thanks but she stopped him, "Don't you thank me yet, go ahead and try it on." She directed him to the bathroom. He nodded and went into the bathroom. He began undressing his clothes and changing into the black suit, though not really knowing how to poof the collar or what to do with the tie that came with it. He picked up his clothes and came out to Elizaveta.

"I'm done Ma'am." Kaoru said. Elizaveta smiled and took a small walk around him.

"It fits you well, that's good." She smiled then helped him with the collar and the sleeves. "Lets get that tie on shall we?" Kaoru stood up tall and let Elizaveta tie his tie, fixing it so it just fits, and then buttoned his jacket up. "You look very handsome young man, you'll blend in."

"Thank you very much." Kaoru bowed a bit. Elizaveta only smiled at him.

"You say thanks now, but you'll have to watch out young man." she warned. "You're going into the shark filled ocean."


Kaoru followed Elizaveta down the grand staircase as he met up with Emil and his family. Elizaveta smiled toward the boy and left him alone as she followed her own husband into the dining room. Emil smiled a bit at him and grabbed onto him, pulling him in with their small group. Mathias went in first, followed by Lukas, then Sadiq behind them, all talking together. Emil stayed with Kaoru behind them. "You have manners right?" Emil questioned. Kaoru found the question a bit rude but nodded without a comment. "Good. Just be careful around these idiots, their rip a poor boy like you if they had a chance."

Kaoru looked at him. "Oh?" Emil nodded and looked toward a light blonde-haired man with a few hairs on his chin.

"That man over there, the richest in the world. His name is Francis Bonnefoy, don't get him started." Emil whispered. He looked toward Mr. Williams, "Mr. Matthew Williams is the man who designed this ship. He's seems to be the only kind one here." he looked toward a large Cuban man as he smoked his cigar. "That guy is the meanest here. Don't even look at him, he'll blow the roof." Kaoru looked away quickly and back to Emil. "Don't worry though, if you just pay attention and agree with what they said, you'll be fine."

Emil sat down with the rest of them, next to Sadiq, then Kaoru next to him. He tried to stay silent, just as Kaoru did, as the others began to chat, pour whine, light their smokes, and cut their first class food. Kaoru looked around at the room, it seemed like a small piece of heaven. Shinning lights reflected off the glassware, the upbeat and gentle music echoed around the room as the small orchestra played out their talents on the violins, piano, and cellos. The smell of fresh lobster, fish, and even duck filled the air on top of the sweet smelling wines, cancelling out most of the smoke smell from some of the men. He could hear the laughter of fancy women, small children, the men chuckling, it all seemed like something out of a book, something Kaoru could never experience in person but somehow was. "Kaoru where are you from?" The voice brought him back to reality.

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