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-sarada's pov-

So far we made dinner plans for mama and papa tomorrow night in the backyard.

"Look!" Rei shouts coming into the room with a book

I grab it from her and open it making everybody crowed up around me to see what's in it.

"Look! Its ojichan Kakashi!" Rei says pointing to a picture of kakashi with mom

"Yeah but who's that next to them?" Kaido asks pointing to a little boy

"I thought mama was the only child?" Rei asks

"Cause she is...has to be a cousin or friend" I say flipping the pages. It was a picture or mama and papa when they were younger

"Aww they were so cute!!" Rei says giggling

"Dad always mugging somebody" Kaido says rolling his eyes"

"So how will the dinner go?" Mitsuki asks

"I fount an old table in the basement" Kaido says

"We gave a bunch of table cloths in the kitchen closet" I say

"Let's string some Christmas lights up on the trees in the backyard" Rei says

"Okay...what about food?" Mitsuki asks 'making us go silent

"We could ask obachan to make something?" Rei says sounding more like a question

"No I can make something" I say

"You can cook?" Kaido asks

"Gah! Yeah I can cook!" I say slapping his neck

"Ow! I didn't know gosh!" He says

"Okay so what else should we do?"  Rei asks

"Tell dad to buy her some gifts" I say

"No" Kaido says making us look at him

"Why not?" I ask

"You must not know mom...buying her gifts won't make her forgive him" kaido says

"I think it will when's the last time papa bought mom anything?" I ask making them think

"Exactly!! She'd be touch when he buys her something" I say smiling

"If you say so" kaido says shrugging

"What are you kids doing?"

We all turn around seeing dad. Rei hurry's and closes the book sitting on it

"Nothing" Kaido says

"Whats that book?" He asks making me and kaido groan in annoyance.

"My school book" Rei says

"why are you sitting on it?" Dad asks

"Your asking a lot of questions" I say

"Well excuse me" He says rolling his eyes before leaving

"You guys are always so mean to papa" Rei says pouting

"Your only upset about it because your his favorite" I say

"Thats not true" Rei says crossing her arms

"Yeah whatever" Kaido says rolling his eyes

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