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A/N: This is absolute trash so don't attack me because it isn't good 👨‍🦲✋
also its like 3am rn

Souma POV:

Takumi has been really off lately.
We went on a trip to Tokyo tower and ever since we got there Takumi has been really fidgety like he's been on edge the whole time.

"Yo Takumi".

"EEP- oh Yu-Yukihira w-what do you want".

"Nothing but it seems like you've been on edge since we got here tho is everything alright".

"Y-yes I am perfectly alright is that all".

Takumi was shaking when he said that. Yeah he's not fine but how do I ease his nerves. I should find the problem first then i'll help ease his nerves. What could cause him to be so fidgety is he scared of something or, WAIT I GOT IT.

"Hey Takumi".

"Y-Yes Yukihira".

"Are you scared of heights".

Takumi POV:

"N-no i'm not I don't know how you got that idea".

I was lying. I'm absolutely terrified of heights and whats worse is that were on the highest floor of Tokyo Tower. I wanted to cling on someone right here but I didn't want people to see me as weak and I cant just hide behind my brother because he went to Italy to help with the diner for a bit while I stay here.

"Takumi are you sure your not scared".

"Yes I am perfectly sure".

"Then you won't mind looking down at the ground right Takumi".

I'm doomed. I am absolutely doomed. I was standing there processing what happened when Yukihira suddenly pulls me to the nearest window.

"If you can look down at the ground for 7 seconds i'll believe that your not afraid of heights heheh".

"Fine then".

WHAT WAS I THINKING. Okay Takumi calm down its okay all you have to do is look at the ground for seven seconds, SEVEN SECONDS.

Souma POV:

Takumi is shaking alot. Why is he so reluctant on admitting his fears I mean its only heights you shouldn't be ashamed of saying your fears.

While I was counting I felt a tug on my shirt.

"T-Takumi are you okay".

I heard him sniffing. Oh crap what did I do.

Takumi POV:

I cant look down anymore I need to hold someone and without thinking I hug Yukihira.

"T-Takumi are you okay".

I was crying I couldn't take it I couldn't look down any longer. I thought Yukihira would push away immediately but instead, he wrapped his arms around me and started to pat my head.

"It's okay Takumi just calm down. I'm sorry I forced you to look down against your will".

His hand it's so soft which I did not expect since he was a chef I thought his hands would be rough but instead its really soft does he put moisturizer on his hands or something.

I hug him tighter as he pats my head and just start letting my tears fall out. I'm not very loud when I cry unlike most people, instead of screaming or something my breath just gets shaky and tears flow out.

Souma POV:

Takumi hugged me tighter and he started to cry even more. I knew I had to stop his crying but I don't know how since i'm not really good at consoling people. I'll just do this.

Takumi POV:

He kissed me. Yukihira kissed me. Not on the lips but on my forehead. I just stood there in shock I could not process what happened. As I stood there in shock I could hear some squeals from Yuuki, Megumi and Alice I also could have sworn I heard Alice say to Kurokiba "I KNEW THAT HE WOULD KISS HIM FIRST NOW PAY UP RYO" after I finally processed what happened I just get all flustered.


Souma POV:

Aww Takumi's face is all red like a tomato wait it might be even more red then a tomato.

"Why are you so flustered I only kissed your forehead its not like I stole your first kiss".

"Y-Yeah but still anyone would be flustered if you kissed them with no warning".

"Alright then i'll give you a warning right now".

"Huh what do you mea-".

I cut him off by kissing his lips and I can hear cheering from the other students but I could also feel glares from Takumi's fanclub. As I break away from the kiss Takumi starts to stutter alot.

"I-I-I T-T-That w-w-was m-my f-f-f-f-first k-k-kiss".

"I know". I said that with a huge smirk on my face.

"You idiot how can you be so shameless. Kissing me out in public".

"Oh do you want me to kiss you when were alone, I didn't know you were so dirty Takumi".

"NOT LIKE THAT YOU IDIOT. You know what i'm just gonna go down".

"Wait I wanna come to"!

Third Person POV:

They got into the elevator alone and Takumi just tried to hide his face with his hands then suddenly Souma broke the silence.

"Takumi wanna be my boyfriend". It was silent for a bit till Takumi responded

"I said do you wanna be my boyfriend Takumi". Souma pulled out his signature smirk at the end of the sentence while Takumi became really red.

"Y-Yeah I guess since you already kissed me".

"Great then heheh".

A/N Dont attacks cause of how bad this is also the word count is 918

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