Sundresses and Near Misses

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♫Author's Note♫

So I'm starting a new fanfic. This idea popped into my head last night and it won't get out. It was bugging the hell out of me so I figured I might as well write it. So here goes, tell me what you think? It wouldn't let me post the vid on the side so it's in the external link... check it out and see if you can find my inspiration... ;)

As I closed the door I found myself looking back on everything that had lead up to this. I sighed as I realized how long I had been in denial, how much time I had lost, only to realize that I had so much more to give. I just needed to find someone who would accept all I had. Now I just had to find him.

"Harry!" I yelled across our flat.

"Yes, beautiful?" he answered.

"Do you know where my pink sun dress went?"

"Come out here I'll help you look for it."

"Why on earth would my sundress be in the living room?" I asked sticking my head out of our bedroom door.

"Because I'm a terrible person!" Harry cackled as he waved my sundress at me from across the room.

"HARRY!" I screamed.

"Come and get it," he said teasingly from his seat on the couch.

I sighed and walked out of our room in just my towel, my wet hair hanging around my shoulders.

Harry looked at me and did a double take. "Where are your clothes, sweetheart?"

"Please, not now Harry, Liam is counting on our help," I pleaded with him as I walked towards him. I leaned over him to get my dress and he reached for my towel and pulled it off of me. He looked at me lust in his eyes. He pulled my face closer to his until our lips were just a millimeter away from each other.

"Harry," I sighed, "we don't have time for this," He just ignored me and pressed his lips to mine. I leaned down farther and he put his hands around my waist. He licked my bottom lip and waited for me to open my lips, I refused, I could feel him start to get exasperated with me so I quickly grabbed my sundress and ran.

"Teresa!" Harry whined.

"Sorry, Harry. But, we really do need to get going," I said as I got dressed and put on some mascara and lip gloss.

I opened the door and walked into our bedroom to get some shoes. I saw Harry lying on the bed in his boxers.

"Harry, what are you doing? We should be leaving in..." I glanced at my watch. "Three minutes ago."

"I'm protesting leaving the house."

"God! Harry, it's Liam's birthday and you can't be bothered to leave the house because we didn't have a snogging session? Grow up and calm your balls!" I said in exasperation. "Fine, I'll go without you!" I said grabbing my white pumps and my car keys.

"Bye Harry!" I called as I reached the front door. There was no answer. I was tempted to go upstairs and make sure he wasn't sick or anything but then I realized that's probably what he wanted me to do and I walked out the door.

As I drove over to Liam's house my thoughts kept going back to Harry and how selfish he was being. Yet, I still love him. I mean, I'm just a regular girl and somehow Harry Styles, THE Harry Styles fell in love with me, and there is no way I'm going to fuck that up. In fact I'm regretting leaving without him right now. Maybe I should go back, and check on him... To late I realized as I put on my blinker and turned into Liam's driveway. I had told Liam that me and Harry would get there early and help him set up.

I went up and knocked on his door. As the door opened I heard the tail end of a converstion. "- let's ask Harry what he thinks." Liam was saying to Niall as he turned and stopped. He blinked in shock at me.

"Where is Harry?" Liam asked peeking out the door as if Harry was hiding somewhere and would pop out at any minute and shout 'Happy Birthday1!' But he wasn't as I well knew, so I stepped inside and hugged Liam tight "He couldn't make it," I whispered in his ear. I pulled away as Liam nodded, his puppy eyes drooping.

"Come on, let's go decorate," I said as he closed the door behind us.

"Hey, Teresa! Where's Harry?" Niall asked looking at me expectantly.

"HARRY!" Louis screamed running into the front hallway.

"Vas happenin' Harry and Teresa?" Zayn asked coming through the door that lead to the kitchen.

Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Liam looked to me for an explanation for Harry's absence.

"He... uh..." I stuttered trying to find an excuse that didn't make me sound at fault, because the only thing worse than Harry hating me, is all of One Direction hating me.

I was about to blurt out the truth, when the doorbell rang. Saved by the bell. Oh my cliché life...

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