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"Wait!" The moth tugged my arm in panic. "We don't know what's out there! I don't think we should go any further..."
I looked at the moth, then smiled warmly at her.
"Even though we don't know what's out there, we have to continue our journey. We promised the elders already right?" I patted her shoulder affectionately. "Fear not, I will protect you. Until the very end, I will be there by your side."
The moth watched me silently, then nodded. "Alright then, I understand... I will do my best, we will stick together until the very end." I opened my arms and she leaped into my embrace, giving me a tight hug. I smiled at her then reached out my hand. She grasped it without any hesitation.
"We promised, right?" she asked once more.
I nodded to her and we stepped into the darkness.
Through the arduous process of sacrificing our wings to all of the fallen, pushing through the storm which extinguished our wings, we've finally reached the end. No fallen remained, not a single one left unlit.
"We... did it..."
"....WE DID IT....!" I shouted joyfully as I turned to look for her, "we've finally reached the-"
My voice died in my throat.
Where was the moth?
The small hand that grasped mine so tightly had vanished without a trace.

She was just here a second ago!
My heart dropped like a rock, my emotions thrown to the wind. I was a fool to celebrate so early. I looked around me, searching for any trace of her, the harsh wind and searing rocks hailing down on me.
She was nowhere to be found.
"No... no... this can't be..." My voice trembled as I tried to pick myself together. With the remaining wings I had, I leapt around the murky water searching desperately for her. I keep searching and searching, refusing to give up. I cared little about the stones crashing into my body and destroying wings. I had to keep going, I had to find her!
My head turned sharply. Amidst the roaring storm, a soft voice reached my ears. I recognize that voice, it's her! I rushed towards the direction of her voice, praying that I would make it in time. But for the second time in that brief period, my heart sank once more. I saw her lying down motionlessly as the rain pitted her unforgivingly. My legs buckled under me as I collapsed on my knees in front of her. I stared at her in disbelief, tears falling uncontrollably down my cheeks. Kneeled in front of her as my tears began to fall. Her face cracked and marred by the stones, her wings shattered, her body wounded. I held her in my arms and hugged her as tight as I could, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you." I sobbed loudly as the stones kept raining down on us.
A cold hand brushed my cheeks. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down at her. She smiled weakly at me and I smiled back at her, my heart throbbing painfully. She opened her mouth and muttered something softly. I couldn't make what she said and I leaned forward to hear her,

I leaned back and looked at her weak smiling face, nodding numbly, "WE...did it."
As the stones kept raining down on us, her body slowly crystallized from the top to the bottom, blue shards forming all over her.
"No... no, please...!"
I hugged her as tightly as I could, feeling her body slowly hardening and cooling in my arms. At last she was nothing but a piece of stone slowly crumbling into dust.
Then she was gone, blown away by the merciless wind.
All that remained in the roaring storm of red was me and my empty arms.

Valley of The Wind - ThatSkyGame FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now