Chapter 7

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Traveling in a group of four wasn't as easy as traveling in a group of two. Especially with one of the four badly injured and two of them still untrusting. It was dangerous— risky... Stupid even. But it couldn't be helped.

Sitting down as they all took a brief rest, the White Lotus suddenly left them momentarily. Jimin had been going back and forth all day, between gazing at (Y/n) and avoiding looking at her altogether. She didn't know how to feel about either of the two men— and neither of them were giving her any signals about what they thought of her either.

Eden finally spoke up quietly, gazing at her in a confused manner.

"What are we going to do?" She whispered in her ear. "Are we seriously going to stay with two psychos we can't trust?"

It was a good question. (Y/n) honestly didn't know what was a good idea anymore. She wanted to be able to trust someone else, however, the chances of either of the two betraying them were high. Unsettlingly high. They shouldn't have been staying in the company of two Anarchists, much less a serial killer and a crazy, but in that moment, it somehow didn't feel like they had a choice.

"We really should leave... We can't trust either of them," (Y/n) replied quietly, voice revealing her confusion.

However, just as she said that, the White Lotus suddenly came walking back— gun being placed back in its holster while he shoved something up his mask and munched on it. And as he approached the three, he gave a piece of paper to Eden before taking a seat and emptying his shoe of any rocks that'd managed to slip in.

"What does it say?" (Y/n) asked curiously— quietly.

Eden looked both surprised and quite horrified before handing the piece of paper over to her.

"I wouldn't try running if I were you."

(Y/n) couldn't tell whether it was a threat, a warning, or both.

She looked up at the White Lotus who was putting back on his shoe.

Jimin suddenly slowly stood up, wincing before whispering, "Fuck, it hurts..." With that he looked up at the White Lotus and sighed. "You. What do you want from us?"

The White Lotus turned the blank gaze of his masked face onto the other male. He was staring at him as he shoved something else up his mask.

It was then she realized it was an almond. The White Lotus, a serial killer, a monster, a legend... Was munching on almonds.

"Gosh, it's almost comical," She muttered under her breath, crumpling the note up before pressing a fist against her forehead.

The White Lotus simply looked away from Jimin after a few moments of staring, disinterest oozing off his well dressed form as he continued to eat his almonds silently. Jimin just stared at him, obviously frustrated as he winced again. She didn't quite know what to do, herself. She couldn't tell whether she was being held hostage or not— but the longer she was with the White Lotus, the more it proved to be just that.

The last few times she'd gotten into predicaments similar to the one at hand, she and Eden had been able to escape easily. But this time was different.

The White Lotus wasn't your typical killer.

(Y/n) watched him sign something— seemingly to himself— before eating another almond and standing up.

With that, he began walking, signaling that they should fallow.

Jimin fallowed him reluctantly, leaving (Y/n) to ask him, "Why don't you just try and leave? I've heard you've become pretty damn crazy yourself."

Jimin shot her a sudden glare and hissed, "What about you?"

Her eyes narrowed. "What about me?"

His eyes trailed to his feet, suddenly loosing their ferocity.

"Never mind," He stated quietly, surprising her.

Suddenly the White Lotus froze for a mere second, before continuing to walk ahead. (Y/n) didn't quite understand what was going on, but simply cast a glance at her sister's pocket before returning her gaze to her surroundings.

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