Chapter 3

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The streets were lit up like America's Fourth of July.

Neon lights, the occasional glow in the sky fallowed by a loud "BANG", and the rare laughter from people on the street. Anyone could've mistaken the carefree atmosphere as something of a celebration as people chatted quietly down the alley. The oh-so familiar smell of oil mixing with food was simply the final touch— shops brightly lit on the outside and dimly lit on the inside.

And he loved it.

Taking a deep breath, he sighed, basking in the pleasure of the night. It was during times like these the city actually seemed happy. It looked and felt like a fairly safe place. And he liked to bask in that. Even with his gun holstered to his side, he sometimes could forget the chaos that hid underneath a well developed mask. It was the innocent breaks he craved.

Still, keeping a wary eye on the street was a must.

Allowing his feet to carry him to the usual, he turned and entered the building mindlessly, ears being blasted with loud music and eyes dyed with colorful lights. The tune vibrating the air seemed to be the same one that played the last twenty times he came. The lights, the drunks, the smell... Everything. It was always the same. And he appreciated that.

"Ahhhh, Yoongi. The usual?" The bartender asked as he approached, guiding Yoongi's attention towards the tall man with a well kept mustache.

"Please," Was all Yoongi said, taking a seat as his aching muscles thanked him for the rest.

"You've been working a lot lately. The boss won't be too happy to hear that," Stated the bartender with a careful eye.

"He's not too happy with anything I do these days."

"Here," The bartender slid him his drink before he led Yoongi towards a back door and winked. "Try not to piss him off too much— I still have to work for a few more hours."

"I can't promise you anything," Yoongi replied, smiling halfheartedly as the man unlocked the door and let him in. "Thanks Mitsuo."

As Yoongi walked into the luxurious room, drink in hand, he found the usual figure slumped over a few pages of paper work. The usual cold eyes meant his quiet figure.

That was, they were cold until they realized who they were looking at.

The door sounded closed behind him.

"Yoongi," He said with a growing smile, eyes softening.

"Hey, Hyung," Yoongi stated, sitting in front of the older before sipping at his drink.

"It's probably good you came. I was about to blow this place up and call it a day," The other said, setting aside the paper work.

Yoongi slid his drink over to the older, knowing he probably needed it more than anyone.

"You paid for this," He stated, trying to slide it back over.

"Jin-hyung, drink it. I probably don't need it anyways," He replied, crossing his legs before relaxing in the cozy chair.

Yoongi's hair was getting a bit too long. It's kept falling in his eyes, and he wasn't appreciating it.

Seokjin took the drink with a sigh, saying, "What brings you here?" Before taking a sip.

Yoongi didn't open his eyes. He didn't want to.


Seokjin chuckled. "Why me?" There was a pause of silence before he muttered, "Is it your PTSD?"

Yoongi opened his eyes back up, staring at the white ceiling numbly. The memories had been running around his head and he couldn't get them to shut up.

"That... That and a few other things," He whispered at last.

"How much have you been working?"

He glanced down at him. "Enough to keep my mind from drifting."

"Yoongi," Seokjin's warning came.

Yoongi sighed.

Suddenly the door he came through opened slightly and Mitsuo's head poked in. That's when Seokjin, as per usual, changed drastically. His shoulders squared, his eyes narrowed menacingly, and his voice...

"Sir," Mitsuo began. "Someone's causing trouble. Do you want me to—"

"Throw them out, shoot them— I don't care. Just get them the hell out of here," Seokjin growled, causing Mitsuo to immediately back out of the room and close the door.

Yoongi shivered. "You're so good at switching like that."

And then, he watched the older switch back once more to his normal self.

"It takes its toll," Seokjin admitted. "But enough about me. You shouldn't be working so much. You're going to kill yourself one day."

"Whatever," Yoongi sighed carelessly. "I didn't come here to talk about my health anyway. I wanted to talk to you about someone else... A threat that's been spreading like wildfire throughout the Shadow Territory."

Seokjin sighed. "You mean the White Lotus?"

"So you've heard of him?"

"Of course I have. That's all these damn drunks talk about these days. That and sex."

Yoongi froze and realized how foolish he'd been. Of course Seokjin would know. He's got one of the best clubs in the city. Talk happens. Of course he would find out.

"I need more sleep," Yoongi whispered.

"You need a lot of things, Min Yoongi. And yes, sleep is definitely one of them. You worry me often when it comes to your health."

Yoongi, once again, waved off that topic. "Again, that doesn't matter right now. As I was saying, the talk is that the White Lotus wants to bring the Shadow Territory to its knees. He already did it to Anarchy— we're his next target... If he can tame that area of psychopaths... What do you think he'll do to us?"

Seokjin's eyes narrowed. "Are you on something?"

"Stop worrying about my health!" Yoongi shouted.

Seokjin sighed. "Turn in down a notch, Min Genius. It's just that I've never seen you worry so much. You never worry about yourself or the state of this damned pit of sinners... What are you really worried about?"

With the last sentence, Seokjin's voice got unusually soft, and Yoongi knew what he was doing. He only got like this when he was sick of Yoongi being so closed off... When he wanted the younger to open up. And it was never to attack Yoongi during these soft moments... It was just to help.

And he knew the younger couldn't fend him off when he spoke softly like that.

Looking away, Yoongi sighed. "It's just Anarchy. If it's already been struck by the White Lotus... Then..."

"You're wondering how they're doing?" Seokjin guessed softly. "Yoongi, I hate to say it but those two aren't innocent anymore. They're killers... Just like the rest of us. They're probably fine."

Yoongi hated it... He hated it all. And his thoughts spun around his head, weighing down on his back like he was carrying the sky. It made him pinch the bridge of his nose, push hair out of his eyes, and sigh once more. This time, the heave of breath was out of irritation.

"I hate it," He voiced his thoughts. He was gritting his teeth, remembering. His hunger for justice made his hand twitch towards the gun at his hip as he listened to the beat outside the walls. "I'll kill everyone for ruining them, Seokjin..." He finally looked the older in the eye. "For killing him. That includes Namjoon and Hoseok. Especially Namjoon and Hoseok. I'll make them pay. I'll make them all pay..."

Seokjin's back straightened, eyes widening as he looked panicked. "Yoongi..." He tried, but the younger looked away. "Yoongi, please don't do anything rash. I'm begging you."

Standing up, Yoongi smiled a cold, heartless smile that sent a shiver down the older's spine.

"They hurt the four most important people in my life... Now they will pay their debts in blood."

And with that, the younger left— leaving Seokjin pale and nauseated.

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